Chapter Twelve

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It has been about five months and things could not be any better.

"Ahhh!!!" Addison screams as she runs through the park trying to avoid being tagged by Leighton.

I laugh and as I watch from the bench.

"Hey Logan. Go and play Julianna." Cam sits down beside me on the bench as Julianna takes off towards Leighton and Addison.

"Well hello to you too Jules." I chuckle.

"She has been getting on my last nerve all day!" Cam states as she pulls out her phone. "Whining all day about when we were going to leave. I told her if she didn't stop we weren't coming to the park at all."

It was finally spring break and Daniel allowed Addison to come spend the week with me. I was so excited to have her here. It's crazy to see how much she has grown. She is such a mature four year old.

"What's new with you Lo?" Cam asked scrolling through her instagram.

"Nothing really. Just picked Addy up yesterday and that's it. I took off from work this week because I wanted to spend all the time I could with her. Plus somebody had to watch Leighton and it's just easier for me to take off than Vanessa."

"That's what's up." Cam rubs her belly gently.

"When do you find out the sex of the baby?" I smile leaning over to rub her belly. I can't believe I'm gonna be an auntie again.

"In about three weeks at my next appointment. I'm excited. I really want a little boy because I can't handle another Julianna. I really can't." Cam rolls her eyes as she watches her spoiled Princess run across the playground.

"Whatever. You know you want another one just like her. I'm surprised Jade was able to talk you into having another baby at all."

"I know, I just knew I was done but here we are with baby number two. Deep down I think I knew I would have another one and I think we are ready. Jade is a great Mom to JuJu so I can't wait to see her with this baby."

"Is she feeling better about not being able to carry?"

Jade had wanted to carry the baby. That way they would have a baby that was part Cam and a baby that was part her but turns out that the PCOS that Jade had caused more damage than they thought. She wasn't able to carry a baby. After the third miscarriage. The doctors thought it wasn't safe to put her body thru anymore stress at this time. Jade was devastated by this like any woman would be but Cam stepped up and decided she would carry their baby.

"Yeah, I mean for the most part. She still has her days where it really bothers her not to be carrying the baby but at the end of the day she still loves this child and it's still our baby. How's Vanessa?"

"Good! We are happy now that all this legal stuff is out the way. Leighton is with us permanently. Vanessa has full custody and Dario, when he gets out in a year will have supervised visitation. I'm sure he will fight us for 50/50 but we will deal with that when it gets here. Other than that Leighton is doing great in school and we are happy."

"Now that you guys are finally living under one roof when do you plan on proposing to her?"

Vanessa and I both sold our houses and bought a house together. I love Vanessa and I love Leighton but things are perfect just the way they are. My last marriage proposal didn't end very well and I don't want to mess up this great thing I have going right now.

"Honestly, I don't know. It has crossed my mind but I'm still hesitant. I'm still too scared to pop the question. I don't want to ruin it. Plus we are not even a year into our relationship."

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