Chapter Three

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It had been three devastating days since we got the Letter from Shannon's Mom challenging us for custody of a child she has never even seen.

We talked with our lawyers and they feel we shouldn't have any problems fighting this but he did say that we have to be prepared that they will try to make Shannon out to be a child predator with her previous charges.

Shannon has been depressed since she found out feeling as if all this is her fault. So here I have been a single Mom again unable to get Shannon out the bed.

"Mommy?" Addy ask at the breakfast table.

"Mommy is upstairs. Maybe we can see her after you are done eating." I take a bite of my oatmeal.

"All done!" Addy smiles.

I chuckle.

"You are not all done. You have to take at least three more bites." We have really been working with her on learning her alphabet and numbers.

"One..." she counts out as she takes her first of three bites. I roll my eyes. I should have told my two year old more than three bites. Who knew she would take me so serious.

After she finished her three bites I had to keep my promise.

"Alright come on baby girl, lets go see Mommy."

"Mommy!!!" Addison squealed as she made her way to the steps with me right behind her to open the baby gate.

Addison did not hide her presence as she screamed as soon as the bedroom door was open.

"MOMMY!!!!" Addison did her best attempt of a run over to the bed.

"Hey baby girl! Did you have a good breakfast?" Addison nodded

"All three bites! Mommy go to park?" Addison asked with those big brown eyes looking just like Shannon.

I was hoping that Shannon would say yes. She really had not been out the house since we got the news about her Mom trying to take Addison from us. Some fresh air, sunshine and hearing Addy laugh should do her some good.

Shannon looked over at me as if asking me to save her but I was by not helping her out of this situation.

"Yeah Shannon, the park would be good for Addison and you. You know get some fresh air, run off some energy, you know?" Shannon rolls her eyes at me. I just smile and lean against the door.

"Sure baby girl anything for you. We can go to the park. Go have Lo get you dressed okay?"

"Okay!" Addison hopped off the bed and ran over grabbing my hand and pulling me to her room.

I hand Shannon the diaper bag as she straps Addison into her car seat.

"I put a couple of PB&J's in there if you guys get hungry and some Cheetos. You know she loves her Cheetos. I also packed some juice boxes and here you go Monkey, here is your water. Hold on to it." I hand Addison her water bottle. "Enjoy this time with Addison okay? Forget about all that is going on and spend time with your daughter. She will only be this little once. Love you baby."

"Thanks babe, love you too."

I was so happy that Addison was able to get Shannon out the house and hopefully out of her funk because we have an important meeting with our lawyer Friday and I need her all there mentally.

I was slipping on my khakis and tucking in my white button down shirt when I heard the front door open. I walk down the steps and see Addison sleeping on Shannon's shoulder. I slip her into my arms and take her up to her room to finish her nap.

Still Holding On (sequel to Don't Let Go)Where stories live. Discover now