Chapter Five

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It has been about three months and we are celebrating my girls birthday today.

"Happy Birthday Julianna!!"

Julianna runs over and gives me a big hug and immediately wants back down.

"LoLo. Guess what?" The girl couldn't even stand still. She was already bouncing all over the place.

"What baby?"

"I AM THREE?!" She attempted real hard but couldn't quite get her fingers right. She was so stinkin cute.

"Really?! I had no idea. Is it your birthday today?"

"Yes!!!" She squealed nodding her head.

"Well its a good thing I brought you presents huh?!"

Julianna just started screaming and jumping up and down. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Go on and play you can open them later." Julianna pouts but goes off to play with her friends.

"Hey Lo, thanks for coming." Cam gives me a hug and takes the presents from me to sit on the gift table.

"Oh no problem. You know I wouldn't have missed my girls birthday for nothing. Thank you for inviting me and letting me be apart of her life."

"Shut up Logan. Julianna and I are so freakin lucky to have you around. We love you boo. You family, you stuck with us!" She smiles. "So you heard anything else from Daniel?"

"Yeah I have, he sent me some more pictures of Addison. I will have to show them to you later and he said he would love for us to come down for Addison's third birthday party."

"That is awesome. I am so glad that he is allowing you to be apart of her life. Who would have thought this is how things would turn out for you."

"I know, I am so happy. Any way that I can be apart of her life I will take."

Cam and I walk over to where the kids are playing and check on them. It was a great idea to have the party at Chuck E Cheese because the kids have plenty to entertain themselves with.

"Where's Vanessa?" Cam ask as she makes sure the kids are being careful.

"She had some things to do for work but I believe she is coming by afterwards."

Vanessa and I aren't an "item" or a couple. We are still really good friends and we both have been with other people. For some reason despite us enjoying being single we still end up back with each other. It's crazy. Neither one of us is ready for a committed relationship anytime soon. We are still enjoying ourselves too much but maybe one day who knows.

"Cool. Any word from Shannon?"

"Nope and I'm totally okay with that. Now let's not ruin this day by talking about her."

It was a complete blessing to watch Julianna as she ran around playing with her friends. She was so full of life and happiness without a care in the world.

"She's adorable huh?" Vanessa walks up behind me giving me a quick hug and kiss.

"Yeah she really is. How was work?" I hand Vanessa a cup of punch.

"Good! I was showing a house and hopefully I will have a buyer. I am so excited, it will be my first one."

"I am so proud of you for following your dreams and making things happen."

Vanessa just stares at me for a moment.

"Thank you. Come on lets go sing happy birthday to the Princess."

Still Holding On (sequel to Don't Let Go)Where stories live. Discover now