Chapter Six

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It has been about two weeks since Jade and I started planning Cam's surprise birthday party. I don't think the girl has any idea what is going on. We were really making some headway on her celebration. Jade and I decided to do something simple here with just her friends and family and then Jade has picked this really cool place to take her for the weekend. They are going to stay at this nice cabin in the Yadkin Valley wine country. I think that Cam will love it. She has always thought herself to be a sophisticated one.

I agreed to keep little Julianna. One because I absolutely love spending time with her and two Mrs. Allen is getting older and needs a break from time to time.

I was sitting at my office desk going over some last minute paperwork to send off to the contractors and then I had to head to my meeting at the bank. I decided to take out a small loan to help pay for the repairs that the diner would need. Just some minor upgrades will do the diner some good.

*knock knock knock*

"Come in." I call out.

In walks in Mia.

We have only hung out a few time since our date at the Music factory. I do enjoy her company and I could see us being really good friends but I am not sure if either of us feel the sparks that we thought were going to be there. Right now, we are both having fun with the friends with benefits deal. I am certainly enjoying it. I feel like an old woman or maybe the movie Stella Got Her Groove Back is a better representation of my life. I am loving the single life way too much to commit to anyone right now. I feel like a brand new woman.

"Hi Logan, How have you been?"

"Good." I answered. I save things on my laptop so that I can give Mia my attention.

"Sorry for barging in on you during the middle of the day but I didn't know where else to go and this secret has been eating away with me because it is something that you need to know about as well."


I wasn't sure what Mia had to tell me but watching her play with her hands and be so nervous wasn't making things sit well with me.

"You know how I have been going back and forth to the doctor and I haven't been feeling the greatest. I thought they were going to tell me I was pregnant or something because I haven't been on my best behavior since starting college. I have been terrified, I mean I can't have kids right now. I can't half take care of myself there is no way that I can take care of someone else's life that is dependent on me."

"Mia, you are rambling. What do you need to tell me. You are scaring me, just say it already."

Mia just sat there staring at me, her hands shook and she continuously bounced her leg up and down as she bit her lip.

I didn't care if she was pregnant. It wasn't my kid and we weren't together. She couldn't be that damn nervous to tell me. Hell, I figured something had to be going on the way she had been throwing up.

"Calm down Mia, I don't care if you are pregnant. We can still be friends and your family may be upset at first but I'm sure they will love their grandchild no matter what."

"I have HIV." Mia blurted out.

What. The. Fuck.

"Uh okay. Um, you okay? Like how long have you had?"

Please let it be after the last time we had sex. I mumble to myself.

"About a month."


"Oh okay, well thank you for telling me. You been taking your meds and stuff."

I wasn't sure what to feel or think. The girl I have been sleeping with the last few weeks just told me she has HIV.

Still Holding On (sequel to Don't Let Go)Where stories live. Discover now