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It is finally wedding day and I am nervous as hell. I haven't seen Vanessa since yesterday Morning when she took off to the hotel to spend the day with her Mom and sister.

Jade, Cam and Julianna stayed over with Leighton and I. I was really glad Julianna was here to play with Leighton.

"Good morning Lo!" Cam smiles holding Julianna on her hip. She was clearly getting too big to be held like that.

"Morning. Hey JuJu." I kiss Julianna on the cheek.

"Ready for the big day? Finally gonna be a married woman!" Cam slaps me on the shoulder before heading down to feed Julianna breakfast.

My stomach was in too much of a knot to even think about breakfast but I knew I still had to feed Leighton. So I got him up and downstairs to the table.

"What do you want for breakfast bud?"

"Just oatmeal." He mumbles. He was already fixed on the iPad on the table. Usually we try to limit his screen time but today, it was anything to keep him out of my hair which I actually had decided to cut. I had a faux hawk happening with my curly hair. I couldn't believe I had cut it again but I liked the look. I fixed Leighton's breakfast before heading back up stairs to make sure everything was in place.

"Lo!" Cam called from the bedroom her and Jade were staying in.

"What's up." I sit down on the bed as she searches through Julianna's bag.

"You okay? For real, I know today's a big day for you. I know your Mom and Dad aren't here but the rest of us, the rest of your family is so proud of you. You been through some shit man and you never let it get you down. You always got back up and fought. Im so happy you found Vanessa and it's gonna be a bomb ass day. Let's celebrate baby!" Cam grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me after giving me a big hug.

"I love you sis. I've been thinking all week how I would love to have my Mom here with me, to have my family here but then I remembered, I do. They are bringing Addy up for the wedding, your Mom is here and I've got you guys. That's all I need. Thanks! Let's party! By the way, I hope you saved some of that sap for your best WOMAN's speech!"

Cam slaps me in the back of the head.

"Shut up cause I have plenty of stories I can tell on your ass!" I just shrug and walk out!


This is it.

I slip on my vest to my camel colored tux. I check out my sage green bow tie and fix my suspenders one last time before closing my vest. I was so nervous. I just stare at myself in the mirror.

You can do this Logan. This is all you've ever wanted, a wife and a forever family and today you have all of that and more. You go get your bride.

I stand up tall and walk downstairs to find Jade dressed identical to me and Cam wearing her sage green dress. Leighton looked absolutely handsome in his matching tux and Julianna couldn't look more like her momma than she did in that moment.

"You ready Logan? We've only got about an hour." She smiles as she walks over and kisses my cheek while straightening my bow tie. I couldn't help myself but to rub her stomach and feel baby Jaleel who I couldn't wait to meet.

"As ready as I'll ever be. Come on everybody." We all pile into Jade's Chevy Tahoe since we all would fit. I had a limo waiting to bring Vanessa and her family over from the hotel. I know this may not seem like the typical wedding for everyone but this was OUR wedding.

When we pull up I see the limo sitting outside of the venue so I know Vanessa is already somewhere inside. My heart begins to pound and my palms sweat as I step out of the car knowing that the love of my life was in this venue waiting. Jade and Cam help me get the kids settled.

Still Holding On (sequel to Don't Let Go)Where stories live. Discover now