Chapter Ten

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I know it has been awhile but the past few months have just been wonderful. Everything at the diner is going better than expected. Business is booming and all I can think about is how can I expand.

Vanessa and I have been getting along wonderfully. Our relationship is better than ever and I can't imagine my life without her. Vanessa has been working really hard on her relationship with her son Leighton. To watch their relationship flourish has been absolutely amazing. I love watching her become more comfortable being a Mom and I can't wait to one day watch her raise our child together.

At this point Vanessa has Leighton almost every other weekend and sees him during the week as permitted. Vanessa stays at my house majority of the time during the week and I love having her here. Neither one of us have brought up moving in together. I think that I might be slightly afraid. Shannon and I rushed things so much when we were together. Everything we did was very quick and unfortunately I do believe it hurt us in the long run. Vanessa and I have been doing so well that I don't want to risk messing things up.

I am sitting at my desk filling out payroll because it was Friday and Friday means payday. I better have these checks ready or these people might burn down my hard earned diner. Just kidding. I love my employees, they have become more than that. They are truly like my extended family.

Cam was on her way over with Julianna. They just finished checking out her new preschool. Cam wasn't expecting to have to put Julianna in school so soon but I think the social interaction will do her some good and her Mom really needed a break. I know that she loves her granddaughter but Ms. Allen is getting older and watching Julianna everyday can be a lot to handle.

Tonight I think we are going to have a movie night at my house. It is going to be Cam, Julianna, Jade. Dario is going to bring Leighton to my house where Vanessa is going to meet us. Non of the adults can come to a decision on what movie to watch but I think it is going to be Despicable Me 3. I can't wait to see it myself, I can't help I can kinda childish at times.

I was just finishing up the last of the payroll when Cam and Julianna came through the door.

"Hey loves, how are you two?" I smile at my beautiful girl who looks so cute in her little pink romper.

"Hey Lo, how are you? Are we interrupting business?" Cam smirks in my direction.

"Whatever Cam, I am just finishing up. How was the preschool you guys checked out?" I look over and Julianna is already grabbing Cam's phone so she can watch her YouTube videos. I swear these kids are too hooked on technology these days.

"It went pretty good, I like it and Julianna seems to be pretty comfortable there but as you know Julianna isn't a very shy child. She will talk to any and everybody."

I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"I wonder where she gets that from."

"I wonder the same damn thing." Cam laughs.

"JuJu? You ready to go to school? When did you get to be such a big girl?"

Julianna looks up at me with those big brown eyes from the iPhone to answer me.

"I go to school. JuJu a big girl." Julianna smiles real big for me.

"Well you will always be my little JuJu." I get up and lean over the chair and kiss Julianna on the forehead. "Y'all still coming by for movie night? Is Jade going to make it?"

"Yeah we are going to be there but I'm  not sure if Jade is going to make it. She has been working a lot of extra hours lately. She says that she is trying to give me the wedding of my dreams. I told her I didn't need anything big but of course she doesn't listen. I miss her Logan, I need some alone time with her if you know what I mean." Cam nudges me as she looks over her shoulder to make sure Julianna is preoccupied.

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