Chapter Two

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It has been almost two months since Shannon has been home. Things are starting to normalize and we are learning a new routine. Addy has adjusted just like I knew she would. I think she really just enjoys having another person to play with but it has been nice not having to pay for daycare with Shannon being home. She wants to find a new job but with her teaching license now gone, she hasn't decided what she wants to do. Until then I am working a bunch of hours at the diner to support my family.

Shannon has started her court ordered therapy sessions. She doesn't talk much about them except that she feels they are getting to the bottom of things.

"Baby I really need some me and you time. I feel like we haven't had time to ourselves since I have been home. You are always on the go."

"I know babe, I'm sorry." I pull Shannon into my lap. It was only Wednesday and I had barely seen my girls because of work at the diner. "How about this weekend I ask Mrs. Allen to watch Addy and you and I can go off somewhere? It can be just the two of us. Does that sound nice?"

Shannon smiles softly.

"That sounds perfect."

"I'm sorry I haven't been around much this week. I have missed you and Addison."

"I know. I hate that you have to work so much.  I'm going to get a job real soon so you don't have to."

"How's therapy going?"

Shannon's smile gets a little bigger.

"Good! I enjoy going. We are digging a lot into my childhood and it just feels like things are starting to make sense now!"

"I'm glad baby." I kiss her on the lips as my hands run across her thigh. "Feels nice to be able to do this whenever I want to."

"Makes me feel good too!" Shannon winks. "That is why I need to spend time with you this weekend!"

I smirk. Right before I could respond I feel my phone go off in my pocket. I pull it out and see Vanessa's name flash across my screen. What did she want? I wasn't suppose to be there until 5 pm. I was closing. I was shoving my phone back in my pocket when Shannon spoke up.

"I know it's work. Go ahead and answer. I'm sure they need their best employee."

I kiss Shannon on the cheek before checking my phone again.

Vanessa: emergency at the diner. Come as soon as you can. Thanks.

Emergency? What kind of emergency could they be having at the diner?! Unless it was on fire or something.

"I gotta go. Apparently there is an emergency at the diner." I run upstairs to slip on some denim jeans and a light blue polo afterwards I put on some white slip on vans. "I'll be back baby. I will text you as soon as I know everything is okay."

"Okay. Love you and be safe!" Shannon kisses me goodbye before I rush down the steps and out the door.

I walk into the restaurant kind of in a panic but everything seemed to be in perfect order. Where is the emergency at? I look around and everyone is laughing and smiling. The customers seem to be enjoying their food and the staff have everything under control.

Still Holding On (sequel to Don't Let Go)Where stories live. Discover now