Chapter Nine

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The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache. I slowly made my way downstairs and put myself on some fresh coffee. I was definitely going to need that to make it through this day. I finally turned my phone back on, I was tired of hearing all of the notification alarms going off so I just turned my phone off completely last night.

I was sure that I was going to be slammed with messages that I really wasn't looking forward to dealing with but I had to deal with it and move on. Time to be an adult.

As soon as my phone turned on there was alerts after alerts going off. There was several missed phone calls and text messages mostly from Cam and Vanessa with the occasional message from Jade which was probably Cam using Jade's phone to try and reach me.

I am just thankful they decided to give me some space and not follow me home. I am still trying to grasp everything that happened and comprehend what the hell is going on.

I am not mad that Vanessa has a son, I love kids even though I never thought that I would. What bothers me about what happened last night was firstly the fact that she has never even mentioned that she has a child. I thought we were trying to work on something serious and that is a pretty big secret to try and keep quiet from someone you are supposedly trying to build a relationship with. Number two, why hasn't she seen her son in such a long time? I just don't understand. I love my Mom to death and would do anything to see her. I don't understand how a mother can just not want to see her kid. I knew that we were going to have to sit down and talk about this, I needed a clear explanation and I needed the honest truth if were about to try and make this work. I am not about to start another relationship with another liar. I am debating whether I need to be starting a relationship at all because shit just doesn't seem to go right for me.

I finished my coffee while sorting through the numerous text. I sent one to Cam letting her know I was fine and then I just left Vanessa's unanswered. I didn't have time to deal with her today. The diner was having it's grand opening tomorrow and I had a lot to get done to make sure we were ready to go.  Work was so busy I didn't even have time to even think about Vanessa and everything that had been going on in my personal life. I finally was able to sit down at the counter to eat dinner around ten that night. Yeah, I know way too late to be eating but I was starving by this point and I could care less.

I had to get up early in the morning. Tomorrow was the big day. My diner would be opening after being closed for a few weeks for renovations. I couldn't wait to see the reactions of all the regulars and hopefully I will be bringing in new customers too.

This weekend would be the real celebration. We are going to have a small ceremony and I have some small business owners who will be there promoting their stores and we will have face painting and things for the kids. I was exciting to make our name known in the community.

I was sitting there eating the sandwich I made with some good ole barbecue chips, scrolling thru social media when my phone alerted in my hand.

I saw Vanessa's name scroll across the top of the screen and I was hesitant whether to open it or not but decided right at the last minute to open the message.

Vanessa: Hey Logan, I hope that you had a good day. I thought about you a lot but I knew you were getting ready for tomorrow. I am proud of how you have turned the diner around. My Mom would be super proud and excited to celebrate with you tomorrow. I know that tomorrow is going to be great and let me know if you need anything. Love you.

Despite everything that has been going on, I was still happy to hear from her. I knew that when things were all said and done we were going to work things out and we had each others back. I really did care about Vanessa, I was just rightfully scared that I was going to have a repeat of the relationship with Shannon and I didn't want to hurt like that ever again.

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