Chapter Eight

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I had been trying to get in touch with Shannon's mother to let her know what was going on but of course every number we knew to try we were unable to make contact.

I had been staying with Vanessa the last couple of days because every time I would walk into my bedroom I would automatically see the spot where Shannon took her life. I was more than traumatized. This was something I would never be able to unsee or get over.

My phone rang for the billionth time. I already knew who it was. It felt like Cam had been calling almost every hour to check on me and though I was very appreciative of it, It almost felt as if I was on suicide watch myself.

Vanessa walked back through the door to find me still on the couch which is the same place she left me this morning on her way out to work.

"Hi Logan. How are you? Did you shower or eat today?" Vanessa came in kicking her shoes off at the door.

"Uh no to either of those." I sat on the couch still taking care of the diner from home. My work doesn't stop just because my personal life sucks.

"Alright well get up and go shower while I start dinner." She leans over the back of the couch and gives me a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Okay okay. I can take a hit plus I am tired of smelling myself too."

I get up and take a long shower which I can't lie, It was much needed and the hot water felt amazing on my body.

When I got out the shower this delicious aroma hit my nose and my stomach begin to growl.

I quickly slip on some grey sweat pants and shirt and head downstairs. 

"Hey babe, whatever you are cooking smells great." I walk into the kitchen to find Vanessa getting down to some classic old school music. 

Come along and ride on the fantastic voyage

I laugh and watch as Vanessa spins around sending me the death stare. 

"Oh you think this is funny? Can you do any better?" Vanessa grabs my hand pulling me to the open space in the kitchen where she had been dancing. She smiles as she motions that she is giving me the dance floor. 

I give a nervous laugh and shrug my shoulders. 

I stand there for a moment before breaking out in the running man. 

"Hahahaha, oh my goodness. Is that really what you have in your repertoire?"

I laugh unable to keep dancing. 

"Why do I feel like you are judging my skills?" I laugh as Vanessa walks over and checks on the food. "What are you cooking anyway because it smells pretty good." 

"Buffalo chicken casserole. Nothing special but you won't starve and you will most likely ask for seconds."

I scoff and roll my eyes. 

"I think that the last time I ate your cooking I almost died." I tried my hardest to keep a serious face.

"OH WHATEVER!" Vanessa shoves me in the shoulder. "Go set the table before I really make you sick." Vanessa laughs and points towards the table. 

Dinner was delicious. I can't lie, the girl can cook. I think that it runs in her family. 

"So what are you going to do if you can't get in touch with Shannon's Mom?" Vanessa and I sat on the couch together. We were both on our laptops taking care of our businesses. 

"I don't know. I wanted to give her a few days. I mean, I don't even know what Shannon would have wanted for herself. I don't know if she wanted to be cremated or buried. Even though her Mom hasn't been a major part of her life, she is still Shannon's Mom. I want her to know what is going on."

Still Holding On (sequel to Don't Let Go)Where stories live. Discover now