Chapter Fifteen

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"LEIGHTON GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOW!" I turn and sit his packed lunch on the counter.

"Hey baby." Vanessa comes in to the kitchen looking sexy as always and plants me a kiss on the lips.

"Good morning baby. I have your coffee ready."

"Thank you. What time is your appointment this morning?"

Leighton charges down the steps and grabs his lunch running for the door before he misses his bus.

"Aren't you forgetting something?!" Vanessa yells after him.

"Love you Mom, love you Logan!"

"Love you too!" We say in unison.

"My appointment is at 10:30 babe." I grab her face because I see the disappoint already. "Stop that! This isn't the last and it's okay, you've gotta work. Don't worry about me or the babies." I rub my big belly.

For the last three years Vanessa and I have been working on our relationship and finally decided to try for a baby. We were torn between adoption and one of us carrying. I really wanted a child that came from me and seeing as I want a big family, adopting is still a plan for the future.

We did lots of research and read multiple profiles before choosing a sperm donor. One who was of Latin decent to resemble Vanessa and of course other characteristics we were interested in.

Now here we are, I'm just 23 weeks and to say I'm nervous is an understatement. I'm nervous as hell for labor. I've seen a lot of YouTube and it was probably the worst decision I've ever made to watch them.

"I know you'll be fine and I know Sutton is okay." I roll my eyes.

"You are dead set on Sutton aren't you?" Rubbing my belly. Vanessa and I had been torn on names for our baby boy. We knew that we were naming Twin "A" our little girl Blakely Simone; Simone being her Mom's middle name and I wanted Sebastian Alexander and my wife wanted Sutton for our son and we settled on Sutton . Baby "B"has been growing slower than baby girl. We were expecting one twin to be smaller but the doctor wanted to have me come in for weekly ultrasounds. So today, I was headed to check on our little boy.

"Whatever Logan, you better call me as soon as you leave your appointment, I wanna know how things went."

"Okay baby. Go to work. I love you."

"I love you too."

I sat in the waiting room scrolling through my Instagram. I had started following so many damn "mom" pages. All these kids were so stinking cute and I couldn't wait to hold our babies. Don't get me wrong, I love Leighton to death but he's almost ten years old and I missed a big majority of his life. I got to watch Addyson grow but I was going to see my very own baby grow up.

I finally get called back and I do my normal ritual, get undressed and on the table. I wait for the ultrasound tech to come in.

"Hey Logan! So glad to see you back! How are you and the twins?"

It was still weird to hear my name and twins in the same sentence.

Still Holding On (sequel to Don't Let Go)Where stories live. Discover now