Chapter Seven

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I can't lie to you, I am nervous as hell. We have been driving for a little over two hours and it won't be long before we arrive in Georgia to see my baby girl. Addison's birthday party is tomorrow and so we decided to come up a day early so that we didn't feel rushed tomorrow. We included Cam, Julianna and Vanessa. Trent was okay with all of us coming to celebrate Addison.

"This is the longest trip I have taken since Julianna has been born and I can see why. I feel like we have stopped more times for bathroom breaks and meltdowns then anything."

I laugh as I glance back at Julianna who is passed out in her car seat.

"It was easier when they were babies and you could feed and change their diapers in the car huh?"

Cam nodded as she stared at her little girl. You could tell just how proud she was of her despite how much she complained.

"So tell me about Trent. You have mentioned that he slept with Cheryl."

"Yeah so he seems to be a pretty nice guy from what I have learned talking to him. He slept with Cheryl and when he found out she had a baby, he wanted to be apart of his little girl's life and raise her. I can appreciate that because I would probably would want the same thing. He is now married to a woman name Lydia and they have two kids, twins. They are a year old and their names are Harlow and Henry."

"So Addison is a big sister?"

"She sure is. I wondered how she would adjust from being the only child to now being a big sister to twins but Daniel said she has adjusted well and does a fantastic job with them." I smile big. I love that girl to death, no matter the distance between us.

We drive a little bit further. Laughing and talking. I hate that Jade couldn't come with us but she has to work seeing as she has a wedding to pay for.

Speaking of weddings. Cam has been showing that ring off for weeks now and I can't blame her. Jade did an amazing job picking it out, it is beautiful.

I think Jade and Cam talked and they aren't sure if they want to get married next summer or the following Spring.

Personally, I think they should do it sooner rather than later. Cam's Mom has been having a lot of health problems and it would absolutely devastate Cam if her Mom wasn't at her wedding.

I pull up to this gas station to fill up while Cam takes Julianna to the bathroom again.

"You want anything to drink Babe?" Vanessa ask as she climbs out of the car.

"Uh sure, I will take a Mountain Dew. I could use the caffeine." Vanessa nods and heads inside.

I watch her walk off. I really don't know what we are. We have both tried to date other people but it never seems to work out for us. Neither of us are rushing into anything but it just seems as if we are meant to be together.

I hop back in the car after filling up.

"Everybody ready to go?"

"LET'S GO!" Julianna yells from the back seat.

It took us another two hours to get there because of traffic but finally we arrived at the hotel we would be staying at.

The feeling being back home was a strange one. We really haven't been here in a long time and there are a lot of good memories but there is a lot of bad ones too.

We get our bags inside and Julianna wasn't even on the bed five minutes and she was knocked out. Guess she was tired from riding and watching movies on her tablet all day.

"I guess that means we aren't going out to dinner tonight." I sit on the edge of the bed trying not to wake Julianna up.

"No No. You and Vanessa go out to dinner. Don't worry about me. I will stay with my boo bear. I am pretty tired anyway."

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