Chapter Thirteen

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The last few months have been nothing but planning for this wedding, enjoying my time watching Leighton grow right in front of our eyes and taking advantage of every moment I get to hear Addison's voice.

The big day was only a couple of days away; we were having our dream fall wedding. October 21st was our big day and I'm nervous but definitely more excited than nervous. I am completely happy where I am in life right now and I can't imagine how much better things are going to get for us.

We are only putting a title on this love that we already have for one another. I love my baby and our son. I love the life that we have and I couldn't be more excited about the future of our family.

Jade and Cam had a gender reveal to announce their beautiful baby boy Jaleel Karter. I couldn't wait to meet my new nephew and watch Julianna be a big sister.

I can't lie. The closer I get to the wedding day the more I think about Shannon. How can I not? She was the love of my life and no matter how toxic our relationship was, she and I went through so much together. I miss her everyday. Not only do I stay in Addison's life because I took care of her but I stay in her life because she is Shannon's little sister. Addison looks just like Shannon and she's a sweet reminder of the good times Shannon and I had together.

"Babe, you okay?" Vanessa ask sitting on the side of the bed next to me.

"Yeah. Is Leighton ready for school? I can drop him off on my way to the diner."

"I will make sure he is. Are we still having dinner with my Father tonight?" Vanessa asked. I could sense the hesitancy in her voice. Even though her Mother loved me, I have actually never met Vanessa's father. From what Vanessa explained to me, Mr. Martinez was looking forward to Vanessa getting back with either her ex or Leighton's father which Vanessa has no desire to do. He wanted her to work things out and have a heterosexual relationship. Mr. Martinez and Mrs. Angie separated when Vanessa was 11 years old and has long remarried to his current wife Evelyn whom I've met before. Vanessa has brought her to the diner a few times. He's a military man who runs a tight ship and who made me nervous!

"Yeah baby. What time is he coming over?" I grab my wallet and phone off the night stand. I really needed to get to the diner and take care of the payroll.

"7pm sharp. You know he's a military man so he will be here on time. Please don't keep him waiting. I'm going to get off early so dinner will be ready on time."

"Alright, I will be here." I kiss Vanessa softly on the lips.

Just as I was about to turn out the door Vanessa pulls me back.

"Logan, no matter what happens tonight at dinner. I love you and that will never ever change."

"I love you too." I give her a faint smile and head downstairs to take Leighton to school.

I can't lie, all day at work all I could think about was Vanessa's father. I would love to say that I didn't care what he thought about me but that would be a lie. I want him to like me. After the relationship I had with my own father, having him to call "Dad" is a feeling I can't explain and I would be heartbroken to know he didn't accept Vanessa and i's relationship. I can't believe that we still live in a world where people really still care who other people marry.

It took me longer than usual but I finally finished the payroll so that everyone would get paid on time. I glance at the time. Damn I need to check on everyone before I go grab Leighton.

I make my way through the diner to make sure I'm not needed before heading out the door. Luckily Leighton's school was only 10 minutes away from the diner.

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