Chapter Sixteen

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It has been a month since we brought Sutton home to complete our family. The twins are two months old, I can't believe it. Now we are a family of five but today we are a family of six.

"ADDY! DON'T PUSH KARTER, THAT IS NOT NICE" I yell across Jade's backyard. Yes, we have Addy for the week. I was so happy we were able to have her before the kids went back to school. It's been weird getting to know Addy now that she's older. She's almost 8 and already a sassy pants. I wonder where she gets that from. She definitely has a lot of Shannon's traits.

Her, Leighton and Julianna have been having a blast even little Karter was trying to keep up with the big kids. He's almost there but not quite.

We were having a little back to school party with a few neighborhood friends of the kids. There was lots of food, inflatable bouncy houses and water slides. The kids were having so much fun.

"Hey babe. Is Sutton and Blakely sleep?" I hand Vanessa her Corona...Hey, we are still adults.

"Yup, sleeping like angels." She gives me a quick peck on the lips. "Better make sure you don't burn those burgers Chef." Vanessa smacks my butt before walking away to help Cam.

"Damn man, did you ever think we would be living this life? We both have beautiful wives and great kids. I mean, I never imagined it for myself." Jade walks up bringing me a cold beer.

"Thanks man, nope. Never in a million years. After all the crap I went through with Shannon I honestly thought I would never been happy and especially never be in love again but here we are, living our best lives."  I clank beer bottles with Jade.

The rest of the day was spent with my family. They may not be blood but they are definitely my family. Right before we were getting ready to leave I decide to pull Cam to side. I noticed she had been acting funny all day, she just wasn't herself.

"Hey Cam, everything alright? You haven't been yourself today?"

"Yeah, just tired with a lot on my mind."

"Like What?" Cam and I have been best friends for years. She has never been good at lying.

"My Mom. Logan, she's got cancer. Stage IV breast cancer. It's not good. She's only 55 years old, Logan. She's young and she still has my kids and your kids to watch grow up. I don't know what to do, I don't know what I'm going to do without her." Cam begins to break down crying. It took everything in me not to do the same but I needed to be there for my friend.

"I'm so sorry Cam. Maybe the doctors are wrong. Maybe they will be able to treat her."

Cam just shakes her head.

"It's already spread Logan. Mom says she just wants to spend whatever time she has with her kids and grand babies."

I shake my head. I don't want Mrs. Allen to give up but I can understand not wanting to spend your last days miserable from chemo.

"Is there anything I can do for you guys? Your my family. Mrs. Allen has pretty much raised me."

"Just pray. Pray for her strength and ours. I love you Logan."

"I love you too Cam. We will get through this."

The whole ride home which was only a five minute drive down the street, all I could do was think of Mrs. Allen and what she's going through. It brings me back to the feelings of the loss of my own mother and it's tears at my heart. The pain is still there. It never changes. 

Vanessa gets Leighton and Addison bathed and watching a movie while I breast feed the twins and get them ready for bed. I'm so thankful they are on such a good sleep schedule.

Still Holding On (sequel to Don't Let Go)Where stories live. Discover now