The Story is All Wrong...

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     I sat up and sighed. I had hoped it would be a dream, but this was proof I was stuck here... "Finally, we were beginning to think you'd never wake up." Laito smiled. Kanato and Ayato were sitting at the base of my bed. I blinked. "How long...was I asleep for?" i asked. They smirked. "About three hours, why?" I frowned. "The story skipped way ahead. This is the night where we...never mind..." I sighed. I knew why they were here, I just didn't know why the story was messed up... I suddenly felt three pairs of fangs sink into my skin. I bit the inside of my cheek as I sat there, trying not to cry. "That's enough." Reiji snapped. I simply sat there. "Seeing her like that...girl, why don't you cry?" I let out the breath I was holding. "Alex..." I whispered. "Hmm?" he asked. "My name isn't girl, it's Alexandra, but I go by Alex. I'm not girl, I'm Alex." He smirked. "Well, Alex, why don't you cry? You had three sets of fangs pierce your skin, yet you didn't utter a single cry, I find that hard to believe, surely you must be scared?" I smiled. "I'm petrified, but I am brave." He smiled. "You are scared, so you are not brave at all." I shook my head. "Bravery isn't the absence of fear, it's taking that fear and facing it head on. THAT'S what makes a person brave, fighting their fears..." He frowned. "I see, well, we must be off now." I nodded and tried to get up, but fell to my knees. "Are you okay?" Laito asked. I looked up at him with a serious expression. "It doesn't matter whether I'm okay or not. All that matters to you people, is whether or not my heart pumps blood for you to drink. I am not your friend, I am nothing more than your prey..." He nodded as if something made sense. "So THAT'S why you just sit there, hmm? Because you think we see you as only prey? You, Alex, have shown you are far more sophisticated than prey..." I only steadied myself and tried to exit the room. I had to grab the wall to steady myself. "Alex, let us help." I shook my head. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." Ayato grinned as he took my wrist. I sighed as I fell on my but. "Shut up..." I muttered under my breath. The triplets laughed as they teleported to the car, me in hand. 

     "So, you just let them drink off of you, like some animal?" I nodded. "That's all I am to you, prey." He cringed. "Is that REALLY the way you see it?" I nodded. "It's how you treat every girl that comes here, so how am I any different?" I looked him dead in the eyes. He smiled. "Because, we did't care for them, they were nothing special. Not any human can just sit there and take the bite of a vampire without any tears or screams. You're more powerful, and we consider you a friend." I simply gazed out the window, not a word uttering from my mouth. I sensed it was coming, so I gripped Ayato's shirt. "What is it" He asked eyeing me suspiciously. I frowned. "We're going to crash..." He looked a little shocked, but soon we were upside down. Suddenly, I opened my eyes and saw I was laying on the ground next to Ayato. "How?" he asked. I raised my eyebrow at him. "I've seen the show...I know this is where the Mukami brothers are introduced, but the story skipped too far ahead, it doesn't make any sense..." I sighed. He looked a little confused until Laito pointed out four figures on a cliff. "The Mukami's, are going to try and abduct me..." Their faces contorted into anger. "We wont let them TOUCH you." He hissed. I was a little taken back. Sure, all the vampires in this show were hot, but I mean, I always figured they would be mean and cold, like in the show. These Sakamaki's seemed to care...which was also strange... I suddenly felt my head throb as I fell to my knees. "ALEX?! Are you alright?" Subaru asked. I couldn't respond, only hiss in agony. "Whatever it is, it must be pretty bad if she's making a noise as if she's in pain, not even the three of us biting her at once caused her to do that..." Ayato touched my shoulder and everything went black.

     I sat up and rubbed my head. "ALEX!" Ayato cried as he gave me a hug. "Ok, this must be some alternate universe, because you NEVER hugged in the show..." He chuckled. "I see, I wasn't mean, was I?" I smirked. "Only all the time." He frowned. "Are you serious?" I nodded. "You treated your sacrificial bride as livestock, even called her so. Treated her as nothing more than food for the taking..." He frowned even more. "Anyways, Kanato wanted to see you." I nodded and allowed him to teleport me to Kanato. "I wanted to show you something." he smiled leading me outside. I realized we were in the graveyard...why was the story so out of place? "This is very special Kanato, thank you for sharing this with me." I smiled sweetly. He blushed slightly but smiled as we approached Cordelia's grave. I watched as he placed a bouquet of roses down on the grave, I picked one of the wildflowers growing and placed it down. He looked up at me with a smile. "Thank you. There's something else I would like to show you..." I nodded, expecting what would come next...

     We entered the room with all the previous sacrificial brides dressed up and lined up in rows. My eyes fell on one particular bride....YUI?! So, I had changed the story??????????????? I was so confused... "Can I...make you into a statue?" I braced myself for the impact of his fangs. They never reached me, so I opened my eyes. He was staring at intently. "You knew I was going to kill you, yet you just sit there? Why?" He asked. "Because, even if I DID try to escape, like I mentioned earlier, you're more powerful than me, so I wouldn't stand a chance. I f you really wanted to kill me, you could do it right here and now and I could do nothing about it..." He frowned. "I wasn't going to kill you, only testing what you would do...we made it clear you were different, so why don't you believe us?" I shrugged.

 "I guess because I don't know what to think, living in a house with six adorable vampires, what would YOU do?" He raised an eyebrow at me and I suddenly realized my mistake. 

"Adorable? You think we're...adorable? Even though you know what we are, you refer to us as adorable? That, in itself, is adorable." he smiled. I felt my face turn a bright red. 

"Aww, look Teddy, she's embarrassed..." 

"Kanato, what did you do to poor Alex? Why is she blushing?" He asked in his usual tone.

"She called us all adorable..." Kanato grinned at me, causing me to blush even more. This caused Laito to erupt with laughter. 

"So, she thinks we're adorable, eh? Even though we are what we are?" He looked at me, waiting for an answer. "

"Damn me and my big moth..." I muttered. Both brothers laughed at my little comment. 

"Aww, well I'm sure the others will be happy to hear this news, seeing as how we've all taken a liking to you..." I felt like my face was on fire. 

"Whatever you do, PLEASE don't tell Ayato! I'll never hear the end of it..." 

"Don't tell me what?" Ayato called as he walked in. I facepalmed. "Timing, your timing is just...GREAT!" I muttered sarcastically. 

"Little Alex here thinks we're all adorable." Laito cooed. I covered my face with my hands. 
"Really now? I find that hard to believe..." Kanato grinned. "I heard her say it, she said, and I quote, 'living in a house with six adorable vampires.' " 

Ayato grinned widely. "Oh, this is just perfect." I shook my head, and so it begins....

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