They Grow Up So Fast....

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A/N: I hate to say it, but we're nearing the end! As requested, I will do an ending for all, but I will also include one ending where they ALL get her. Idk if I should do a Kino one, what do you guys think? Comment below, and enjoy! :3

     It's been three weeks, and Ryland us all grown up. I haven't heard from Kino in a while, THANK GOODNESS, but I've been feeling out of it. "Alex!?" Ayato called. "Hmm?" I sighed. "Hey, you okay, you've been kind of depressed for a while." I shrugged. "I think....I want to go on an adventure, to find out who I really am. There's so much about me even I don't know. I just want some answers...." He smiled. "Then we'll pack our bags and go on an adventure together." I sighed. I didn't want to be rude, but I needed to sort some things out on my own. "I wouldn't want to rip you guys away from the manor..." He furrowed his brows. "This is what I mean, you've become more distant..." I sighed. "Ayato, I just think I need some time to sort myself out, I'll be fine." He sighed, realizing I wasn't going to give. "Fine, but take AT LEAST one of us with you!" I sighed. "Umm, fine. We'll draw a raffle, because I'm not making that decision..." He nodded. "Then, let's go." I nodded as I followed him to the sitting room. Goodness........

     "And the winner of the raffle iiiisssss....Kou." Kou grinned as he hugged me. "Ah, Mneko-Chan and I are going on a honeymoon!~" I rolled my eyes. "No, I'm going to random places in order to try and figure some things out, YOU are just an escort I've been assigned so nothing bad happens." He frowned. "Why has Mneko-Chan been so grumpy lately?" He pouted. I gave him a hug. "Sorry if I upset you." I sighed. He smiled and lifted me onto his back. "I promise by the end of this trip, you'll be smiling and bubbly like usual! I promise!"He cooed. I couldn't help but smile. "See, we've already made progress!" I rolled my eyes. "Come on you baka, let's go." Ryland appeared and hugged me. "Be careful mom." I nodded. "Take care of them while I'm gone Ryland, don't let them burn the house down or anything..." I winked. He chuckled. "Got it." I waved goodbye as Kou and I transported away. Man, they really DO grow up so fast, especially when they're vampires....

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