Misplaced Anger

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     "G-guys, can I tell you something?" They nodded. "Of course Alex, you can tell us anything!" Kou smiled at me. "Ok then, I'm pregnant." they all froze. "Ok....was NOT expecting that one...." Ruki gasped. "Ya, NEITHER WAS I UNTIL I HAD FIVE PREGNANCY TESTS COME UP POSITIVE!" Laito cleared his throat. "So, who's the dad?" I shrugged. "I never had sex with anybody, at least not that I know of...." He grimaced. "Does that mean you were..." I sighed. "Probably...." They all boiled with rage. "SOMEBODY RAPED YOU!" I held my stomach. "Umm, yeah, think it's magical or something, CAUSE MY WATER JUST BROKE." They started panicking. "WHAT DO WE DO!?" They screamed. "HOW ABOUT A HOSPITAL. THIS HURTS!" They grabbed me and transported to a hospital. "SHE'S GOING INTO LABOR, PLEASE HELP!" They called. I was taken away by nurses, and was then aided in birthing a child...yeah, cause THAT was fun.....

*One Week Later*

     "He's definitely a vampire, he's as mature as a five year old, in looks as well, but he's only a week old. When he reaches our age, he will age much slower." Laito sighed. I studied my child playing with Ayato. "Hey Laito, do you...notice anything about Ryland?" That was his name, Ryland Jay Leshae. "No, not really, why?" I cringed. "He looks JUST like Ayato..." Laito stopped and paled. "He-he does." He stammered. "Does that mean he...could he have..." I shrugged. "I don't know, but LOOK at him!" Ryland was happily playing with Ayato. "HEY AYATO, RYLAND, COME HERE!" Laito shouted. The two bounded over happily. "Yeah, what is it?" Ayato asked. "KANATO!" Laito shouted. "Why don't you go play with Ryland, we need to have a serious chat with Ayato..." Kanato nodded as he and Ryland ran off to play once more. THIS was going to be easy....

     "Did you rape Alex?" Laito asked. Ayato paled. "Wh-what?! Of course not! Why would I do something so horrible!" Laito nodded towards Ryland. "Bro, he looks just like you. You're telling me you're not the dad?" He nodded. "He may LOOK like me, but I swear I never raped Alex." I cringed. "I HATE that word..." Laito rolled his eyes. "Alex, so innocent, at least I HOPE..." I shrugged. "Only way to be sure is a DNA test." I said casually. Ayato agreed. "I have nothing to hide, so go ahead." I called for Reiji, who then proceeded to test both Ryland's and Ayato's DNA. He scowled at his result. "They're...the same." Ayato paled. "Umm, that can't be right, I didn't rape her." Reiji shook his head. "The test says you're the dad." I paled. "I....have to go." I cried grabbing Ryland and running away, to anywhere but here. I couldn't even look at him anymore, not after...THIS....

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