Living a Lie

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     I walked down the staircase with Kino, still a little disturbed at his previous outburst. "So, what would my queen like to do today?" I shrugged. "I don't know..." He grinned. "I know my queen enjoys games..." I could feel my face lift at the mention of a game. "So, a game then?" I nodded. "Sounds fun!" Shin and Carla appeared suddenly. I jumped as Shin fastened collar around my neck. "What is this?" Kino scowled at them. "WHY DID YOU PUT A COLLAR ON MY QUEEN!?" He shouted. I hid behind Carla. "She tends to fall asleep during these games. It's just a tracking collar so we can find her when she does. She's actually a pretty good hider..." He sighed. Kino smirked. "Of course! MY queen is the best at everything! I guess I could permit it, just this once, but you're not allowed to touch her without my permission..." Kino snapped. Shin nodded. "My apologies, my prince." Shin bowed. Kino smiled happily. "As I said, it is fine just this once. Now, LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" He shouted. I nodded as he proceeded to count. I ran around the house, trying to find an ok hiding spot. I decided to climb up the strong, velvet curtains and hide in the rafters. I was lying on a ceiling beam, watching the three vampires frantically search for me. "Oh goodness...I guess we'll have to eat this ice-cream all on our own..." Shin sighed. I rolled my eyes as he proceeded to try and bribe me, just like before.

     "FINE! WE GIVE UP!" The three shouted at once. I whistled at them and they snapped in my direction. "Oh, you're GOOOD." Carla sighed. I shrugged. "What can I say, I'm just the best. Now, can one of you help me down....." Kino laughed as he transported up to me, grabbed me, and transported back down. "Better?" I nodded. He seemed elated, but I couldn't figure out why. Then it hit me. He was holding me, and I wasn't flinching. He's happy I'm not scared any more... "So, who's it now?" I asked Kino. He smirked. "Shin." I laughed. "Figures...he's awful at this game..." Shin scowled at me. "I'll find you FIRST!" I laughed harder. "You'll be lucky if you can find me at all!" He smirked. "I accept your challenge." I returned his smirk. "Prepare to lose, patches." He raised an eyebrow at me. "You have an eye-patch, now your name is patches. Deal with it." I shrugged. Kino and Carla chuckled. "What would I be?" Carla asked. I studied him for a second. "I like Carla just fine for you. No offense Shin, but I can't take your name seriously...not that I don't semi-respect you, it's just....YOUR NAME IS A PART OF THE BODY......." Carla and Kino were full on laughing now. "SO HOW IS PATCHES ANY BETTER!? IT'S A PIECE OF CLOTHING!?" I rolled my eyes with a smirk. "Tell ya what, if you win this game, I won't call you patches. If I  win, you DEAL WITH IT. Deal?" He nodded. "Deal. Prepare to lose!" I smirked triumphantly. "It is you, sir, who shall lose!" Kino and Carla were standing there, enjoying our petty quarrel. "Then, LET'S GET STARTED, PIPSQUEAK!" I twitched. "Oh, I KNOW YOU DID NOT JUST CALL ME PIPSQUEAK!" He grinned. "Let's get started, before we end up arguing about this, too." I nodded with a scowl. "You're.going.down." I snap as he begins to count. NO WAY am I losing this game....

      I ducked into a room and tried to scan for a hiding spot. I found a door inside the room, and slipped in. I found yet another door INSIDE that door, and thought, why not? I opened it and went inside. I saw several boxes everywhere, so I made myself a little box fort. It looked perfectly inconspicuous. I did grab a little box, just to see what's inside. More so to pass the time, than curiosity. I opened it up and saw several photos. I took one out and got an uneasy feeling. It was of me. I got another one, me. Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me....THEY WERE ALL PHOTOS OF ME!? I sat there, horrified. Some of these photos were of when I first arrived. Is this...KINO'S?!

     I sat there, staring in horror at the many images that surrounded me. "It says she's in here." I hear Shin sigh. "She freaking won...AGAIN!" He groaned. "No, no, NO! WHY IS SHE IN HERE!?" I heard Kino shout. I tried tearing off my collar, but it was stuck on my neck. I sat there, hugging my knees to my chest. "Inconspicuous box fort...clever girl..." Carla sighed moving the box out of the way. "I want answers, NOW!" I snapped throwing the photos at Kino. He sighed. "I guess, that we need to talk, huh." I laughed. "Oh, YA THINK!? HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT ME, AND HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS FROM ANOTHER WORLD?! You had BETTER have a good explanation, OR ELSE!" I snapped. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Or else what?" I scowled. "Or else I'll hate you forever." He sighed in angst. "You know just how to convince me, don't you? Well then, let's go and 'chat' a bit, shall we?" He asked stretching his hand out to me. I reluctantly took it and followed him into the unknown. Where I might finally get some answers. 

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