Oh No You Didn't...

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     I sat up and stretched my limbs, starting off my day. I was quite annoyed when a letter floated into my hands. It opened itself and didn't leave my sight until I read it.  

Dear Alex, 

     I so admire your beauty as you slumber. Your chest rises and falls with such graceful motions! I sent you a present, I do hope you enjoy it!

                                                                                                                                                                   Your Secret Love

I threw the paper in the fire once more and stormed downstairs. I noticed the absence of a certain bipolar vampire. "Hey, where's Kanato?" I asked. They shrugged. "He just left abruptly, not telling us where he went." I froze. "Wait...WHAT!?" I ran out the door and into the street. "KANATO! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I screamed. "Alex? What's wrong?" I was crying. "Something happened t him, I just know it. We have to find him, please!" They scowled. "We'll do our best, but you have to stay here." I shook my head. "NO! I want to help!" They sighed. "What if he comes back to the house? We need somebody here in case that happens." I sighed. "F-fine. In that case I'll stay." They hugged me. "We know you're worried, we are too, but we have to be smart about his." I nodded as I ran back to the house. "Be careful!" I called as they disappeared. I gathered myself as I grabbed two silver swords. If something was coming, I'd be ready.

     I heard a single, loud knock resonate through the house. I ran to the door, and what I saw made me burst out in sobs. "K-Kanato!" I cried. He was lying on the steps covered in blood. He looked as if somebody had done a good number on him. I knew Kanato was powerful, so whoever did this, must have been even more powerful, or somehow briefly gotten the upper hand . "A-Alex-Sama? Thank goodness you're okay..." he coughed. I hugged him close. "Shh don't speak. I'm going to call for the guys as soon as I get you inside. He smiled weakly at me. "You're always too kind to us, we rally don't deserve you." I shook my head. "Stop spouting such nonsense. I love all of you so much, and I still can't believe I let this happen...why did you leave without telling anybody?" He sighed as I helped him to the couch. "I'll tell you later, I want to be able to explain it at my full potential." I nodded. "It's okay, I'm going to call for the others, stay here." he nodded as I ran outside. "GUYS! PLEASE COME BACK!" I cried. They appeared, shocked at my state. "He-he's back, but he's beaten up, BAD." I sobbed. They all ran inside, and I followed. "KANATO!" They cried running to him. Reiji immediately began fixing him up. I felt my anger start to slowly turn into rage. They had hurt one of my boys, this meant war.

     About two worry-filled hours later, Kanato was pretty much back to normal. "So, who did this" I snapped. "Some guy. He had told me he'd captured you, and the only way to get you back was to come alone." I scowled. "That bastard will pay." I snapped. He smiled. "Don't worry, I did get a hit on him. I left a cut on his right cheek, but that's all I could manage. He was so strong..." I shook my head. "You did your best, and I'll bet he caught you off guard." He nodded. "As soon as I showed up, he attacked me." I was furious when another letter came flying in. 

Dear Alex, 

     Did you enjoy my gift? Now that you see what I am capable of, you should join me. I easily could have killed him, but I was nice enough to spare him, AND bring him to me. I am such a gentleman. You must come to me, or next time  will not be so kind. Meet me outside the mansion tonight at midnight. I await your arrival!

                                                                                                                                                                   Your Secret Love

I threw the letter in the fire, and grabbed my weapons, two silver daggers. "I have some thing to take care of for the rest of the day, please do not interrupt me." I stated as I walked off. I had to finish this, once and for all....

Dear boys,

     I am so sorry for this, but I must leave. I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt because of me. Please forgive me, but I beg you not to forget me. I love you all. 


     By the time I had finally thought of what to say in my goodbye letter and actually put it on paper, it was five minutes until midnight. I sighed. This was it, I was going to take care of this once and for all.....

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