Kanato Ending

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A/N: This chapter is very short, but I did my best. I really hope you enjoy the Kanato ending!

Third Person POV:

     Kanato began shining a bright purple light which slowly faded to pink. Alex sat up slowly. "So...what happened?" A small, purple blur ran up to her and seized her in a hug. "It's me, Alex-Sama!" Alex couldn't help but smile. Her smile quickly faded when she saw the others looking so down. "Guys, please don't be sad. Kino is gone forever now, and we can all be happy again!" I smiled as I hugged each one of them. I laughed as Kanato wriggled into my grasp. "Yay, MY Alex-Sama, my wife!" I laughed as we began our new adventure.

Two Years Later:

     I watched with absolute joy as Shawn sat with Shu listening to music. Out of all the uncles, Shawn had taken a liking to Shu the most. they would constantly be seen listening to music and sleeping together. Kanato snaked his arms around my waist. "You know, looking at our little boy...makes me realize something..." I turned to him. "What?" He smiled. "He looks just like me when I was a child." I smiled. "He does, doesn't he. Handsome, just like his father." I grinned widely as we sat there watching our beautiful child. Life....was absolute bliss.....

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