A Sweet Serenade

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A/N: I just wanted to thank everybody for their support on this book! I'm already at almost 900 reads! I really appreciate it! Also, I have decide that since it has become so popular, I'll update AT LEAST once everyday, maybe more depending on how much you guys want it. Thanks again! 

     I sat on the couch and sighed. After THREE DAYS of dealing with a cold, I was FINALLY better! Unfortunately, I was on lock down... Reiji had told me to stay inside until I was one hundred percent better. I sighed. "HEY REIJI!" I cried. He appeared suddenly with a smirk. "Yes?" He asked smugly. "Can I PLEASE go outside now!?" He shook his head. "No, but the Sakamakis have a surprise for you." I smiled. "Whhaaaaaatttt!?" I cried shaking him. He chuckled and patted my head. "We're going to perform a song for you." My eyes grew wide. "O.M.G! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE WHEN GUYS SING!" He grinned. "Wait here while I get the others. After each our performance, we'll see how you feel, okay?" I nodded happily and snuggled into my blakets. If ALL the Sakamakis could sing... I just might die....

     "Alright Alex, the song we will be performing for you is called Bloody Mayim Mayim." I smiled. "Sounds AMAZING!" They laughed. "Alright guys, let's wow our girl." Laito said winking at me. I could barely contain my excitement.

    After the performance, my mouth was hanging open. "I think she enjoyed it..." Ayato laughed. I circled them. "Are you sure these are THE Sakamakis?" they laughed and nodded. I glomped every one of them. "OHMYGOSHTHATWASSOAMAZINGIJUSTCANNOTEVEN!" I screamed. "Alex, SLOW DOWN!" Shu laughed. "I SAID, THAT WAS SO AMAZING I JUST CANNOT EVEN!" He grinned. "Glad you liked it." I shook my head. "Dude, I FREAKING LOVED IT!" They laughed. "So, I'll take it Alex-Sama is better now?" Kanato giggled. Reiji nodded. "So, what was your favorite part?" I thought for a second. "Umm, ALL OF IT! One part the got me though, was when you did your solo! I literally almost died!" He laughed. "So I'll take it we were good then?" I nodded. "UM, YEAH!" Ayato laughed at my outburst. "Calm down. I think we may have gotten her a little TOO excited..." I frowned. "Well, I can just leave then if you don't want my praise." I said turning and beginning to exit the room. "NO!" All six yelled at once. I spun around with a smirk. "Thought so." Ayato frowned. "You just tricked me, didn't you..." I nodded. "And you made it WAY too easy!" I smiled giving him a hug. He blushed a little before grabbing me and running off. 

     "Umm, Ayato? Why did you run off with me?" he grinned. "I want you all to myself." I rolled my eyes. "You need to share." I sighed.  He laughed. "I know, but that doesn't mean I WANT to." I sighed as the other nine vampires appeared. "AYATO!" They screamed. "WHY DID YOU STEAL ALEX FROM US! WE WERE RECEIVING HER PRAISE!" Laito whined. I burst into full on laughter. "THAT'S why you're so worked up? Because you didn't get my praise anymore?" He blushed. "U-umm, maybeeee..." I laughed again as I got up. "It's fine you know. There will be more opportunities to get praise, although I don't just give it for no reason." He smiled. "So then, us singing was special?" I nodded. "OH YEAH! THAT, was DEFINITELY special..." He smiled as he hugged me. I felt the others join the hug one by one. I sighed in happiness. I really enjoyed this being real.

A/N: There are a couple of things I want the readers to decide. First, should the guys do karaoke? Second WHO SHOULD ALEX END UP WITH?! Comment who you think she should be with in the end! 











Just go for all... :

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