The Moment of Truth

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A/N: So I woke up this morning, and checked on my story..... 2.08 reads! Guys, this is amazing! Knowing that people enjoy reading something I love to write, means more to me than you know. I hope you continue to read, vote, and comment, because I love hearing from you! Thanks again! <3

     "ALEX, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Carla shouted. I clung to Subaru's shirt. He looked at me, surprised that I was scared. "GIVE HER BACK YOU INSOLENT FOOLS!" He boomed. I didn't know WHAT to do. "Alex doesn't belong to you, she's OURS!" Ayato snapped
Carla reached his hands up to slap him. I jumped in front of him right as he brought his hands down. "NO!" I cried. Everybody froze as there sound of his hand connecting with my cheek resonated through the room. "A-Alex?" Ayato whispered surprised. "That wasn't meant for you, MOVE." Carla snapped. I shook my head
"You will NOT touch him, or ANY of them, do you hear me?" Here raised an eyebrow at me and smirked. "I'll tell you what, if you come back with us, we won't kill them like we had planned to." I scowled at him. "You.... YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON! PEOPLE LIKE YOU WILL NEVER GO DAY IN THIS WORLD FEELING GOOD ABOUT THEMSELVES! YOU NEED CERTAIN THINGS TO SUCCEED IN BEING HAPPY, AND YOU LACK THEM. YOU.ARE.TERRIBLE!" I snapped, letting my anger out. He seemed a bit shocked as he once more slapped me. "How dare you speak to me that way." Now all the guys were mad. "If you touch her again..." Reiji growled. Carla grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. "Girl, choose. Will they live or die?" I started at the floor. "Live...." I whispered. Here grinned add he transported away. I hate him...
     "Now, you will do as we say if you want those brothers to survive, understood?" I nodded. "You will answer me as 'sir' are we clear?" I sighed. "Yes.... sir." He smiled as he locked me back in the cell. "Stay in here, where you belong." He grinned as he slammed the door. I started tearing up. What if they killed them anyway... "Alex, why?" Ayato whispered. I looked over to see my ten looking back at me. I turned away and pretended not to hear him. "Alex, why did you sacrifice yourself for us?" Ayato tried again. I held back tears. "Alex...why did you get hurt for us?" Azusa whispered. I held my knees closer. "Alex-Sama, why do you care for us even though we're monsters?" Kanato trembled. At the sound of him about to cry, I immediately looked at them. "You're not monsters...." They seemed shocked. "Yes, we are. All we want us blood." Laito frowned. I shook my head. "It's been about as month since you last drank my blood. If that was all you REALLY cared about, it would happen daily. You're not monsters, just vampires. In my opinion, there's a difference." They seemed to brighten up at my words. "Why are they here? Are they ASKING to die? Will your sacrifice be in vain?" Shin snapped. I don't know why, but I felt a sudden rush of anger at the mention of their death. "Do you know what? Shin, you're worthless to me. They in the other hand, have earned my trust, my respect, my care. You and Carla have earned my hate. You do NOT threaten my boys without consequences." I took out a silver knife that I'd always had since the first day, and made a cut along his face. He screamed in pain as he crumpled to the ground. "Baka " I spat. "WHOA...." Reiji whispered. I smirked. "Now, for HIM...." I hissed as I stormed out of the room. This, was the end of them.
      "Carla! Get out here you dirty swine!" I screamed. He appeared, anger claiming his face. I ran up to him and hugged him. He jumped a little. "What are you doing?" He gasped. I was grinning as I plunged the knife into his stomach. He winced as he stared at me. "Truly amazing....I guess this is what happens when you upset the heir... " I raised an eyebrow at him. He grinned as he disappeared. I sat there until the brothers appeared at my side. "You okay?" I nodded, but in all honesty, I wasn't ok, I was far from it....
      "GIVE IT BACK!" I cried chasing Laito around my room. "Awwww, she doesn't want me to read it..." I was scared of what would happen if they found out about the letter..... "Laito, PLEASE!" I cried again. I tripped and feel right on my face. "Ow..." I muttered. The other nine brothers appeared. "Why are you in the ground? Was the thump we heard you falling?" Ruki asked. I stood up and snatched the letter from Laito. I sighed in relief as I threw it in the fire. "Well, I dodged THAT bullet..." Now all ten brothers were starting at me. "What was that?" Ayato asked. I shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about...." They sighed as they tried again. "Alex, if you don't tell us, we'll never sing for you again." I froze. "UGGGHHHH!" I sighed flopping onto the bed. "It was a letter....from.... somebody... " They were now completely enraged. "WHO WAS SENDING YOU A LETTER?!" I sighed. "I don't know his name, but he's taken an interest in me. I was about to burn it anyway when Laito came in and stole it." They fumed. "Grrrrr! Why do people keep trying to take you from us? First it was Shin and Carla, now some mystery guy? You belong to us!" Ayato shouted. I rolled my eyes. "If I say it, will you calm down?" He raised an eyebrow. Reiji seemed to pick up on it, because he nodded anxiously. "Fine. Sakamaki brothers, Mukami brothers, I love you. Feel better now?" Each one of them were blushing a deep pink. "Y-yeah." Ayato sighed. I giggled at his embarrassment over those three words. Sure they were the truth, but I had no idea that when the moment of truth came, they would react like THIS.... it was....kind of cute....

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