Well...Isn't THIS Interesting.....

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We sat down in my room, me on the bed and Kino on the couch. "So, how did you know I was from another world, and how long have you been STALKING me?" I snap. Kino sighs. "Well, it could have something to do with the fact that I brought you here." I stared at him. "You-you what?" I asked. "Just like it sounds. While you were sleeping, I reached through our worlds, grabbed you, and sent you to the Sakamakis. I wanted to see how you'd react to vampires before I introduced myself." I sat there, trying to process all of this. "Why me?" he chuckled. "You mean you don't know?" I shook my head. "What don't I know?" I ask. He grins. "You actually possess magical abilities of your own, although you didn't know it." I felt my head swim. I think...I'm going to go to sleep now...

I sat up and rubbed my temples. My brain hurt. "Alex. How are you doing?" I sat up to see the boys. I still felt weak, so I fell back down. "Umm, is she ok? I don't think I've ever seen her speechless before. "He...brought me here. Kino took me from my world and into this one. Now, he tells me I have...magical abilities...what even..." I sigh, more to myself than anybody else. "What?" Subaru asked. "You have magic?" I nodded. "Guys, she looks pale. Is she REALLY ok" Laito asked. "Oh, she'll be fine, once you're dead." Kino snapped. They all froze and turned towards him. He grabbed Azusa and slammed him against a wall, causing him to fall unconscious. I whipped up and glared at him. He froze. "A-Amazing! You've unlocked your powers!" I looked down at my arm. I-WAS ON FIRE! I walked over to Kino and stuck my hand on his arm. He winced in pain as he backed away. "Let me just tell you, you piece of shit, IF YOU EVER HURT THEM AGAIN, I WILL KILL YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME? IF YOU LAY ONE HAND ON THEM, EVEN SO MUCH AS LOOK AT THEM THE WRONG WAY, YOU.WILL.DIE. AM I CLEAR?!" He gulped and nodded. "Good. Now then, I'm leaving, so take back your stupid ring, and don't EVER contact me again if you value your life. If I find out you didn't listen...all that will be left of you is a pile of ashes and a whole lot of ass kicking. I hope you understand, because I just HATE repeating myself." He ran from the room with a smirk. "Alex?" Reiji asked. I couldn't respond, for the world faded from view.

I sat up and fell right back down. "ALEX! Don't hurt yourself, just stay down." I sighed as I recognized the voice as Reiji's. "What happened?" I asked. He stared at me. "You-you don't remember?" I shook my head. "Honestly, the last thing I remember, is Kino telling me I'm magic..." He sighed. "Alex, you...caught on fire, threatened Kino, saved our lives, and probably scared the shit out of everything in your path." I stared at the ceiling. "Did...I scare you guys?" He shook his head. "Honestly, more than anything we were impressed. See, we told you that you were special." He chuckled. I just stared at the ceiling. "Is she awake yet?" I heard Shu ask. "Yes, you can all come in now." Shu called for the others. "ALEX!" They cried happily. I felt them hug me, but I couldn't move. I could just stare at the ceiling. "Hello?" Laito sighed as he waved his hand in front of my face. I sighed. "Guys, did I...scare you? I want the truth, not what you think I want to hear." They shook their head. "No, we weren't scared. We were happy that you wanted so badly to protect us. If anything, we were scared of what the magic would do to you. Some people can't handle it, but then we reminded ourselves, this is Alex! She can do anything!" I smiled at their comfort. "There it is! There' that smile we've been ACHING to see! Alex, you're finally home! Not to mention Kino wouldn't dare mess with you now!" I smiled even more. "But more than anything....WE LOVE YOU!" They blurted out. I started laughing. "Wh-what's so funny!?" Ayato asked. "I've been waiting for you guys to say it, and it took you THIS long to? SERIOUSLY?!" They started laughing with me as they held me close. "That's right, we love you, Alexandra." I giggled at the use of my full name. "And I love you, my boys." I sighed returning their hugs. I had them now, and I sure as hell wasn't letting them go....

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