One: Plans

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Voice echoing through the empty rooms, you screamed at the computer on the table, dangerously close to following through with your threat. But to do so would mean the ruination of your entire livelihood, so you muttered curses at it instead.

Behind you, startled into freezing completely like stone, was your poor unsuspecting best friend. He stared at you while your fingers typed furiously, glancing down at the keys only every so often. You called him the tech genius, yet it was he that often found himself in awe of your abilities.

After all, you had hardly hit twenty-four years old and were already creating something extraordinary.

Clearing his throat, your friend chuckled a little, trying to lighten the mood in the cramped room. "Everything seems to be going smoothly, so maybe we should call it quits for the night?"

You didn't even spare a second to glare back at him and his fucking shit eating grin. "Fritz, you know damn well I can't afford any more setbacks. Not after what happened with the paint job."

Ah, yes, the simple mix-up of colors that had resulted in what you feared would be the laughingstock of the company. Or what little remained of it, anyways. The old diner had been left to rot for quite awhile, after all, and you, Fritz, and a handful of others swore to bring some life back into it.

Why else would you have been sitting in the room marked Parts and Services, surrounded by packing crates, tools, machinery, computers and just about everything else you could imagine? Except for what belonged in the kitchen, of course.

The paint job you'd referred to was actually the first of the huge wooden boxes you opened. It felt like Christmas, almost, knowing that the hard work was about to pay off. But the shock of pink and white made you want to cry. What the hell had happened? Why was poor Foxy's new, shiny counterpart so totally opposite what Foxy represented?

Apparently the place you'd sent the pieces to be painted had mixed up the order with another, so you were stuck with a very girlish, very not-pirate Funtime Foxy.

No, when the pizzeria was so close to its grand opening day, you had no more time or patience for setbacks. The last animatronic was nearly set to go, the pieces ready to be assembled once the AI inside it was completed.

But this was your pride and joy. You'd gone to school for this sort of thing, and had been given special privilege to create this one. Why? Well, the old Bonnie was your favorite. It only made sense to want to make the new one.

And you'd be damned if Fritz didn't take every moment he could to make fun of the poor rabbit you'd made.

Personally, you thought your efforts to create the four to look similar had been done wonderfully; apparently your redheaded friend had other opinions. He immediately despised Toy Bonnie, even down to the coding you were tweaking. "It's not supposed to be a girl," he was constantly saying over your shoulder. "Why does he have those stupid eyelashes and the cheeks? Come on, make him look a little bit manlier!"

Eventually it drove you to tears, but they were bitter, angry ones that you didn't dare shed in front of him. You knew your Toy Bonnie was perfect; who cared about the lashes or cheeks? Look at what had happened to Foxy!

Besides, wasn't a blue bunny more obviously a male than the purple had been?

Clearly being ignored, Fritz didn't seem to want to tease you into paying attention to him. The last day or so, the teasing had dropped to nearly nothing, as a matter of fact. Perhaps the looming pressure of what was coming had finally weighed in on him, as well. He was the one that put the pieces together, after all, after you made them.

It couldn't have been farther from the truth, but how were you to have seen that?

"I'm actually serious," he prodded, his head resting on your shoulder. You frowned but ignored it. "It's late. We have plenty of time in the morning to finish the programming. Hell, I'll even come in early."

"You're full of shit," you mumbled. Fritz Smith, wake up early? Not a chance in hell. "I'll see you at noon, if I'm lucky."

He paused. His head remained on your shoulder, and the urge to take your arms and shake some sense into you was overwhelming for him. Damn it, you were going to work yourself into the ground, couldn't you at least see he was trying to get you to relax? Even a little bit? But your eyes had the focused, narrowed edge in them that he knew better than to disturb.

Actually, he found it rather charming. When you weren't screaming wild obscenities at the computer screen.

But Fritz stood and stretched, giving you one last, lingering look that you, of course, didn't see. "I'll be in early," he repeated, suppressing the urge to say more. Anything more would have gone unheard, and he walked out with a slight frown.

You went on without a second thought, knowing, hoping really, that this would be your greatest triumph. You worked endless hours for this, and really, you wanted this silly little rabbit to be perfect.

There were reasons for it, you were sure, but at the moment they had escaped you. It was the artificial personality you were giving the bunny that was causing you so much trouble. The rest had been easy, and so should have this one, but it was at this detail that you hesitated. Why? It was a fucking rabbit with an electric guitar, what was there to ponder?

For whatever reason, you wanted him to be sweet. Not that the older Bonnie hadn't been. But with a slightly more feminine look- okay, Toy Bonnie looked like a damn chick, you could admit that much- you thought that a slightly flirty personality would work best. But they were kids, they wouldn't have known better. So then to whom would it have been wasted on? The employees?

You giggled a little bit at that, trying to imagine an animatronic rabbit attempting to be flirty with one of the workers. Actually, it would have been entertaining, but it also probably would have gotten you into serious trouble.

All kidding aside, he did need something to set the looks apart...

Doubt began to creep into your mind. Was Fritz right? Was this the completely wrong thing to do to Bonnie? Tears were pricking at the corners of your eyes again, and you cursed them, him, everything but the mascot you were working on. Leave it to Fritz to make you anxious.

Eyes wandering around the room for a bit, they landed on the box the pieces were resting in. A bright powdery blue seemed likeable enough for kids, right? The guitar would be the main thing, probably.

In another corner, treated with far less care, were the older mascots, stuffed indifferently into their shipping boxes. If the owner didn't want to use them, why keep them? Did they still have value? Or did he hope to gain enough money to repair them in the future?

It would be nice to see them perform again...

Sighing, you finished up what you were working on, and felt incredibly fatigued. It was nearly done, but the best was yet to come. To see your bunny actually move. Speak. A shame it couldn't be personal to you... since you were the one who created him.

'Can I?'

Creation (Yandere Toy Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now