Twenty-Five: Light and Shadow

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Your footsteps echoed the empty halls.

Wait, empty? Why were they empty? Where the hell was everyone else?

The thought was only momentary, panic setting in as you ran. Behind you, not far off, were the sounds of a metal pipe being swung, coming into contact with what sounded like the entire restaurant. Tables and chairs cracked and splintered, the pieces scattering like confetti across the black and white tiles. Hearing them was far more favorable than the cause of the wreckage.

"Why won't you love me?!?" he cried. The sobs broke through the words, painful and full of heartbreak.

'It shouldn't have to be like this... what he did, I can't forgive him for that! I never could! But then why the fuck do I feel so awful?!'

Bonbon wasn't the only one in pain, it seemed. Having your Toy snap and go on a rampage from a broken heart was too much to take.

The hands grabbed your arms and pulled, yanking you into one of the smaller party rooms before the blue-haired guitarist could see. Frowning deeply, Jack pulled you into a corner away from the open door. "How he managed to sneak away from us, I am unsure," he whispered, "but you must not let him frighten you."

Frighten? You were horrified! Frightened was a state you wished you were in. Your face must have said as much, for the Marionette pulled you further from the door into an embrace.

The Puppet, your Puppet, may have been nothing more than skin and bones as a human, but the hug was comforting and warm nonetheless. Still, you were certain that one blow from Toy Bonnie's weapon would break his limbs in half. Break them as easily as he'd done to the furniture in the main party room already.

"Can you calm him?" Jack asked, hushed and urgent. His eyes bored into yours, needing the answer. "You are not the one he will harm, despite his... pain. But can you calm his fit?"

It wasn't so much a question as a request. You had to stop your bunny.

If you even still wanted to claim him as your own.


'Why......? Why is this happening...? Please... I can't do this.... not anymore...'

Vision blurry, he staggered to a stop, his face still working over the tears spilling. Bonbon turned and looked over the damage behind him; somewhere in the back of his thoughts there was pain, maybe exhaustion, but the ache in his chest was too strong to ignore.

All at once his face broke again, and the pipe was lashed out against another nearby chair.

He only wanted one thing. Just one thing, was it so hard to grasp? He wanted your love, and even moreso now that you'd said he couldn't have it. After all he'd been through, all he'd done for you, you said no?

Fairness was out of the question. Toy Bonnie was yours, and yours alone; whether or not you loved him didn't matter. If it meant getting rid of whoever remained, just so he could have your attention again, so be it.

He would have to start with the remaining Toys, the plastic abominations you'd created. They were weak, inferior; why did he have to share you with them?

To put it bluntly: he didn't have to.

Face set, stony despite the tears still falling, Bonbon headed for the hallway but stopped short: you'd cut him off before he could walk past the wider hall nearby. "S-sugar?" he stuttered, caught off-guard.

Creation (Yandere Toy Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now