Six: Friend or Foe

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In the middle of the noise, the running and the yelling, the happy chaos that had become friendship, Toy Bonnie sat in something of a daze.

Perched at the edge of the wooden stage floor, his eyes stared down, unfocused and hazy. He ignored everything around him; what did he care if his friends were getting along with the Originals? What did he care if they were no longer seen as a threat?

You'd been kissed.

He needed to protect you. He'd been made solely for you, after all. Never mind the kids; they were his job. But his purpose was you and you alone.

Not that he really understood. The rush of currents, the rapid turning of his machinery inside, brought on at the mere thought of you.

And he was always thinking of you.

He'd given the redhead a warning. It was as fair as he'd have liked, and no less threatening than if he'd been in his animatronic form. But the word needed to get out; Fritz needed to understand that Toy Bonnie's sole reason for existence was you. As a matter of fact, all of the Toys owed you more than they could pay. If the restaurant was successful, your achievements would be sung.

And why shouldn't it succeed? Your hard work resulted in something amazing.

But the blue-haired guitarist was still anxious. Still in the dark as to why he couldn't control himself. He was brand new, there were no kinks in the system, so why the sudden jolts?

The human side was no better, although he rather liked the way his blood seemed to flow freely. But it colored his face bright, and that was pretty difficult to hide.

'Its... it's got something to do with her. I know I'm... I know I was made separately, but how far does that go? Am I supposed to feel jumpy around her?'

The questions would go unanswered with a bang of the front doors. They swung open with such a noise that it made the whole lot of them stop dead, turning to stare at the intrusion.

It made you stop and stare, as well.


They held you still no matter how much you twisted and writhed. Who were they?! The place wasn't even open yet, did they really think they would find something to steal? Or did they just intend to trash the pizzeria? Was it because of the old diner?

There was no use in trying to ask, your head had sent itself into a flurry of panic. They'd grabbed you before you could even think to try and leave. Tears began streaming down your face; were they going to kill you? These weird people who had- somehow- crept their way inside?

Weird was an understatement.

Pulled down the hall towards the office, you were forced into the lone chair. Head hanging, you braced for the blow that was sure to come next. Wasn't that how it always went? Walking in on a robbery attempt, and then get brutally killed?

"Do you think we'll harm you?" was the soft-spoken question. It was enough to quiet your hysterics, though you were still hesitant on looking up. You didn't want the false sense of security from a gentle voice.

Gentle but...

"Please... if you're going to kill me, at least make it quick," you begged.

"Kill you? Whatever for?" Hands went to your shoulders again, though their handling was much kinder. "Look at us, honey. You've no reason to be afraid. We wouldn't harm you for the world." Again that warning of false security. But what other choice did you have? You glanced up cautiously- and couldn't look away.

The hands on your shoulders squeezed a little bit, but in a friendly manner. But they belonged to some weirdo wearing a top hat. His smile was sweet, but his cheeks looked permanently pink.

The hat, cheeks, the tanned skin and brown hair... with that red tint...

And the eyes. Had you seen him before? You had the distinct feeling of having stared into those blue eyes in the past, but you didn't know anyone that would wear a top hat.

He smiled expectantly. What were you supposed to say? Who the hell are you?

"I'm... sorry, I don't know..." you began, unable to find the words to explain.

The guy didn't seem to take offense, nodding and pulling back. "That's quite all right; perhaps he might be of better help." He gestured to another weirdo, this one with blue hair.

Really, how was this any help? The top hat was strange, but blue hair... no.

But the new guy smiled just as sweetly as his friend, who was backing away. Leaving you alone with the stranger. Fantastic; this was probably when you'd get killed.

Instead of speaking, the guy just leaned against the table across from your seat. Expectant. It was getting irritating; you'd have remembered knowing or even just seeing someone with blue hair and a damned red bow tie!

There went the surge of familiarity again. Much, much stronger. Another mental image flashed into your brain, a recent one: was the stage empty when you came in? You were pretty sure it was. Animatronics were hard to miss.

What did an empty stage have to do with these people? Did they take the Toys? Intending to sell them or just sabotage them for the hell of it? Or was it over what had happened in the old diner...?

"Where are my mascots?" you blurted out before you could catch yourself. They weren't technically yours, but they may as well have been. You made them! And they were gone!

The blue-haired stranger merely tilted his head. His teeth flashed in his smile; the front ones were a little bit oversized.

'He looks like a... ...rabbit.'

The moment the thought struck you, you jumped up from your seat, the chair tumbling over as you backed away hurriedly. You pressed your back against the wall, trying to somehow pass through it in an attempt to get the fuck away from...

Whoever this was.

But he wouldn't have let you go no matter what you tried. He followed slowly, hands out as he meant to take your hands away from the wall. "No need to be afraid. I'd never hurt you, sugar. Never."

"Who the fuck are you and what have you done to my mascots?!" you cried out. All the cursing in the world ran through your mind, but your tongue wouldn't let most of it out. "And don't fucking call me sugar!"

He paused, smile faltering. Just a touch. "But you made me this way. You're the only one I can call sugar."

Eyes meeting your own, you saw with startling clarity that they were green. A bright, almost neon green.

... well, he was quick enough to at least catch you before you hit the floor, passing out.

Creation (Yandere Toy Bonnie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now