Eighteen: Tease

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(Tiny bit of smut at the end...

There's been a lot of it in this story, holy fuck. Sorry!)

He stood in the entryway, arms crossed. "It's eight in the morning. Your shift is long gone, so go home."

You only frowned. "I have to wait for the owner. Let him know the damage is fixed," you replied, with a tone that took all the blame and shoved it right into Fritz's hands.

The redhead matched the frown. "Then call me when you do get home. I... I want to talk a little... more... outside of this place."

"Leave, Fritz." Your voice wasn't as seething as it had been... and it was the best he could hope for. Nodding, he turned and left the Cove with a small smile on his face.

It did end better than he could have ever hoped for. He was alive, for one. You weren't completely hating him, and even kissed him back. The smile widened... maybe he did stand a chance. The bunny could go straight to hell!


You remained in Kid's Cove for awhile after Fritz had finally left, not realizing you were so exhausted until hands on your shoulders shook you awake. Startled, you flinched and had to blink rapidly until Toy Freddy's human face swam into your vision. "Forgive me, honey, but I had to wake you before the other employees arrive. The owner is in the office. Speak to him and then go home. Get some rest, hmm?" He smiled sweetly. "Shall we see you tonight?"

Everything was good. You returned the smile and let the toy leader help you to your feet. Pressing a kiss to the side of your head, he walked out, shifting to his mascot form before he could be seen.

Still, you sighed. Was Toy Freddy really....

Silly question. He loved you, plain and simple. They all did, to different degrees, but having the humanoid bear suddenly- and randomly- come onto you the other night had been something of a shock.

Bonbon had been there to set you back on track, of course, and you couldn't help but hope the bunny hadn't seen anything that had been going on in the Cove. Possessive or not, he was prone to jealousy. It made you feel incredibly guilty, for reasons you weren't clear on.

Maybe there were feelings, after all.


You'd tried and tried, but hadn't gotten hold of Fritz whatsoever. But then again, you realized, it was daytime. He'd probably gone back to sleep, the lazy bastard. The thought still made you smile as you walked into the restaurant.

All three mascots turned to you when you came in, and Bonbon was, of course, the first to move. He changed to his human form, practically running and lifting you into a hug. "Holy shit, Bonbon, I've been gone for what, a day?"

"But I missed you!" he exclaimed, green eyes glittering as he smiled. "Come on, sugar, let me have my moment here."

Toy Chica burst into a giggling fit behind her hands and scurried away, leaving the leader to watch the two of you with a small frown on his face.

Definitely love.

But you were already being dragged into the kitchen by the hand, so there was no time to really ponder what to do about the bear. "I have a surprise for you, sugar," the guitarist nearly sang. He then took your hands and covered your own eyes with them. "No peeking," he whispered.

So you waited, feeling only mildly stupid covering your eyes. A few long moments passed with nothing really happening. "Um... Bonbon?" No reply. "Bonbon, what is it? Just tell me."

Still no reply. Your stomach began to drop for reasons you couldn't explain. What the hell kind of surprise could he have for you? So you waited longer still. You grew fidgety, hands shifting.

"I said no peeking, sugar..." Bonbon's lips against your ear made you squeal in surprise. And a little fright. But he laughed softly, thumb moving over your own lips before his hand rested on the side of your face. "Open up."

Why you stood in the middle of the kitchen with your hands covering your eyes and mouth hanging open, you couldn't explain. But you were. A perverse side of you wondered just what he would shove into your mouth, but your bunny wasn't as crude as Fritz. Whatever he would put into your trusting mouth would more than likely be safe and rated PG.

Sure enough there was chocolate, which Bonbon smeared on your cheek a little. You just twisted your face away, laughing and lowering your hands to smack him. "You ass! Don't just plaster my face with it!"

Toy Bonnie stood there with a chocolate cupcake in one hand, the frosting coating his fingers on the other. There was a sly, shit-eating grin on his own face. "But sugar, you look so pretty when you're covered in frosting."

"Yeah, I bet I am," you scoffed, wiping off the mess and licking it away from your hand. "So this is your big surprise? Cupcakes?"

"I made them myself!" he cried, proudly holding up a plate of them. They were a little messy, very sticky, and there was probably more frosting than actual cake, but Bonbon was beaming nonetheless.

And you'd be damned if it wasn't adorable.

You reached for one but the plate was pulled out of your reach. "Ah ah ah. Nope." His grin widened.

"What the fuck? You make cupcakes and won't even let me have one?"

"You can have one. But you have to let me feed you."

It was cheesy and cliché and a little bit silly, but Bonbon really meant to feed you a cupcake. So you sat on the counter with your human bunny leaning against you, hand-feeding you bits of the cupcake in his hand. After awhile you broke into a giggling fit, pulling away. "This is so silly. Let me feed myself, for fuck's sake!"

He smeared frosting on your mouth in response. When you glared, he only grinned. "You've got a little something on your face, sugar."

"No shit." He snatched at your wrists, holding them apart as he leaned closer, lapping at the chocolate from your face. The blood rose slowly in your cheeks, and the soft whimpering only proved that the human bunny was thoroughly enjoying himself. "U-uh... Bonbon...?"

"You owe me a taste." That harsh whisper again. The frosting gone, his tongue found its way down your throat. Bonbon could feel you blushing, the heat warm and inviting against his lips. The pulse beating steadily in your throat was better still; not just at how quick it had grown, but because it was beating for him.

How easily he could make these things happen... blood rushing to your face, heart racing, even just getting you to smile was enough for Toy Bonnie to be happy. But curiosity and the need to save you had gotten the better of him.

So gently, as gently as he could force himself to be, he reached up to your chest, tracing slow circles around the hardening flesh with his thumbs. The breath exhaled from your lungs was shaky, and it was all the guitarist could do not to snap.

'I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but... she isn't stopping me... Please, sugar, please don't stop me...'

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