Thirteen: "Your First Day? Really?"

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Fritz stood solidly in the kitchen doorway, a tic in his face twitching like mad as he stared at the two of you. Toy Bonnie slowly got back to his feet, matching the seething stare but masking it with a smile. "Is it almost midnight already?" he questioned casually.

The redhead huffed through his nose, taking a few moments to let the situation he'd walked in on sink in first. It didn't take long, it was obvious what had been going on.

Ignoring him, Bonbon was in the midst of removing his bright white vest and blue dress shirt; you were slightly confused until he gently tugged your own shredded shirt off of your arms and replaced it with his own. "Sorry, sugar, I guess I got a little carried away," the guitarist whispered.

"Little is an understatement," Fritz interrupted, snatching Bonbon by the hair and dragging him away and out of the kitchen altogether.

"H-hey! Hey! Fritz, damn it, put him down!" you shouted, following immediately.

The commotion roused the others, bringing the two other Toys from the stage as Mangle crawled into the party room from above. "What's going on here?" Toy Freddy demanded, eyeing his blue-haired guitarist being manhandled.

"I suggest you pull this little fuckhead aside for a conversation in sexual harassment," Fritz spat right back. He didn't release his grip, even when you grabbed the redhead's arm and tried to tug them apart.

"It's not harassment if she's the one doing it," Bonbon replied quietly. Being held by the hair let him hide his grin easier, but it didn't need to be seen to know it was there.

Fritz had had it. Teeth grit, he made a motion as if to throw his captive to the floor... if you hadn't backhanded him first.

The sound was flat and loud in the restaurant, and it was just enough to make the redhead drop your human rabbit. "This is exactly why I think you're a fucking asshole," you spoke up, louder than you intended.

"He was--"

"Doing what I was doing! I let him!" Behind you, the other Toys had gathered as Bonbon rubbed his scalp. They listened with rising curiosity; the situation between the two of you seemed to have finally come to a head. "Either get the fuck over it or you can get the fuck out!"

You didn't wait for a response, storming away towards the security office. You didn't know why; without doors there was no real feeling of privacy. If Fritz wanted to follow you, he had that choice. You planted your hands on the surface of the table, trying to calm your racing head and heart. The urge to punch the redhead in the throat was overwhelming.

And for what? He was jealous over an animatronic? Over something you worked for weeks to create? Where the fuck did he get the right to go off telling you he was proud when all he wanted to do was destroy them?


He sank into the office chair in silence, dumbfounded. The blow hadn't hurt, per se, but it stunned him.

What was he supposed to do? He couldn't seem to control the violent urges he had for your rabbit; he was proud of you, yes, but not of what they had turned out to be. And you clearly didn't sense what he did: that Toy Bonnie was dangerous.

Of course, why would the bastard have shown you his true colors? That would have killed you both.

No, killing wasn't good enough. Fritz couldn't kill a plastic robot... but he could destroy it nonetheless.

Footsteps his way made his body freeze. It was long past midnight, and the redhead had discovered that ever since he'd spoken to the owner, the front doors of the pizzeria had sealed shut on their own. A little protective measure. Not a bad idea, but now Fritz was stuck inside until six am.

Much to his private agony, Toy Bonnie was approaching. The redhead tossed the tablet aside, where it clattered on top of the table.

The guitarist's smile could have driven him insane.

Struggling to keep a level head, it was all he could do to remind himself that he was your pride and joy. If Fritz tried anything... he'd lose what little chance he had.

But Bonbon already knew. It didn't matter what you decided; Fritz had forgotten that one crucial detail.

Sitting on the edge of the table, Toy Bonnie assumed an air of casualness. "How's the shift going so far?" he asked, trying not to laugh.

Jaw twitching, Fritz responded, "I'm not fond of my coworkers."

"Really? Because they can't fucking stand you," was the amused-sounding reply. "I'm here to pass on a message," Bonbon went on. "Think of it as a friendly reminder of where you stand."

"I think I know damn well where I stand."

He didn't. It was obvious. Toy Bonnie was taking enormous pleasure in it. He leaned over the table, getting close enough to Fritz so the redhead could smell that mixture of chocolate and your perfume. "No. You don't. Because no matter what she decides... it will always end the same."

Hands tightening on the armrests, Fritz tried to match the seething look in the human mascot's eyes and succeeded only a little bit. "With you in pieces?" he answered. The words didn't come out as threatening as he wanted.

"Oh, it'll end with me, all right. But even if she wanted you, it doesn't change the fact that I exist. She created me. I'll always be here. For her." He leaned even closer. "And she'll always be here for me. You can't touch me."


You were woken from a deep sleep by the phone ringing off the hook. Who the fuck would call at seven in the morning?

Your first thought was Fritz, making you groan and want to throw the noisy machine against the wall. But really, you should know better. It was the morning after his first overnight shift, after all. He was most likely calling to let you know your Toys were safe. That he hadn't touched them.

No matter how much he might have despised Toy Bonnie.

But Fritz wasn't on the opposite end of the line; rather, it was the owner. "Did I wake you?" he asked huffily. Even if you said yes, you felt like it wouldn't have made a difference, considering how irritated he sounded. "I need you to come down here as soon as you can."

Your stomach jumped up into your throat, and all sense of drowsiness was gone in an instant. "What happened?" you asked, unable to mask the rising panic in your voice.

"Your redheaded friend is fucking fired. I'm not letting him back into my pizzeria for a good long while." The words were spat out with such loathing you damn near dropped the phone.

"What happened?" was all you could ask again.

"I don't know what the hell he was thinking, but that bastard got it in his head to try and tamper with the animatronics. I've got the old models in the Parts and Services room all nicely patched up, but I've also got new mascots torn apart and convulsing. You need t--"

The phone dropped, breaking the ear piece on the wooden floor. You didn't need to be told to go; you were already scrambling out of the house.

New mascots torn apart? Or just one?

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