Four: Again

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Would it hurt to hit someone? Not just a basic smack. Not even a well-timed punch. No, a real, planned out attack. No weapon necessary.

Whatever would make Fritz shut the hell up.

His mouth had started running like it stole something the moment he stepped into the pizzeria. A constant barrage of complaints and curses was grating on your fragile patience, and it hadn't even hit noon. Your hands clenched the cloth you were holding, trying to polish the animatronics up. They'd gotten a little dirty already; how?

There was no time to find the answer. Not with the redhead spewing a stream of anger, directed at anything he looked at. If he decided to snap at you, well... you could snap right back.

But for the time being you bit your lower lip a little, focusing on wiping down your precious blue bunny. You knew the mascots were powered up, but they were still while you cleaned.

You certainly weren't expecting Toy Freddy to nod at you, appreciatively, when you were finished.

Your eyes widened; was this in the programming? You couldn't remember. There was an awful lot of it, so there would be some sort of response to every scenario. Maybe there was a sense of thanks in there.

At least this way you weren't as shocked when Toy Bonnie blinked a couple of times. Trying to hold back the smile was a trifle difficult. Especially when the bunny actually tilted his head to give you more room.

Yeah, it must have been programmed.

"Thanks, sugar," the mascot piped up once you'd finished.

Stifling a giggle, you nodded. "Of course." You jumped down from the stage, not seeing the rabbit's green eyes following.


"I don't like this thing. It gives me the creeps." Fritz was just full of opinions that day, wasn't he? Pushing the gift box into its place, he peered inside again.

The puppet animatronic sat inside, ready to jump out to surprise kids with gifts. True, it was a little bit eerie and strange, but what was the harm?

Holding back a groan, you settled on shrugging. "We'll find out if the kids like him or not."

"Him?" You were given an incredulous look. "You gave this thing a gender?"

"Sure," you replied. God, you wanted to hit him. "I've been calling him Jack. Like a jack-in-the-box. Makes sense."

"About as much sense as putting long lashes on a male."

That was it. You whirled around to look Fritz right in the eye. "What the fuck is your problem?" you cried out. "You've been bitching all morning!"

"I don't have a problem," he answered, more to himself than to you.

"Bullshit," you spat. "You throw a bitch fit every time some little thing goes wrong. So what is it?"

His eyes, gray and stormy, bore into your own. There was an expression that didn't quite fit the situation: disappointment. Like you were expected to know something. "Never mind," he mumbled at last, arms falling to his sides as he strode out of the Cove.

You threw your own arms up in defeat. Really, what the hell was going on with him? You and Fritz were such good, close friends for a long time, but recently he'd just turned bitter, somehow. Why?


Still muttering under his breath, Fritz waited until you'd decided to go home to emerge from the security office.

Truth be told, even he didn't understand what he was feeling. The proper word was envy, but why? Where was it coming from?

No, he knew damn well why he was so bitterly envious, but the truth was stranger than he'd care to admit, even to himself.

It was Toy Bonnie.

The redhead ran his hands through his hair, sighing heavily. Envy over a robot? It was fucking stupid. But it couldn't seem to stop, and it was eating away at him. It had been like that all day, and Fritz was not one to hide his emotions when he was angry.

But envy over Toy Bonnie?

He didn't hear the footsteps coming his way. They were soft, much softer than from something like a broken down bear mascot. They were as soft as a human's, a human wanting to be quiet. Or perhaps quiet came naturally.

Either way, Fritz was too preoccupied with his thoughts to see the blue-haired guitarist approach. His green eyes were fixed on the redhead. Eyes that were large, soft, and staring the other down with something close to pure hatred. But that hatred was masked by a benign smile. The front teeth were a little oversized, and on closer inspection, one would have seen the long eyelashes.

"Something the matter, Fritz?" he spoke, hiding the pleasure in his voice at seeing the other in such frustration.

Fritz whipped around, blinking rapidly at the newcomer. No, he was seeing things. He had to be. There was no fucking way...

Not this again!


Toy Freddy was patient but cautious. He knew it was possible; hadn't Toy Bonnie just shown him? What they were capable of? But to learn that Freddy, the original Freddy, had come forth to reveal that fact...

Was there a catch? The toy leader had assumed that the Originals would despise them. After all, weren't they created as replacements? Thrown into wooden boxes and left in the Parts and Services room? They were already deteriorating after only a few years, and unless the new pizzeria gained some revenue, there would be no chance for repairs.

But there he sat, looking down at his hands. Real, human hands. Not the plastic, shiny bear paws he'd hardly gotten accustomed to.

Toy Chica couldn't stop smiling at herself, and why shouldn't she? Her human form was as cute and bubbly as her mascot's.

Toy Freddy considered himself lucky his own hadn't turned out to be as chunky and awkward-looking. But that was a private thought, and a selfish one at that.

As soon as Toy Bonnie had learned of it, he'd run off down the hall. Fritz hadn't left yet, even though nightfall was coming fast. The toy leader hoped there wouldn't be any conflict.

He wasn't ignorant. He wasn't dumb. Even if the rabbit swore up and down that he wouldn't let it go to his head, Toy Freddy had seen the way those green eyes followed you. Plastic though they may be, there was still a sense of longing in them.

Maybe it was still too early to tell. Toy Bonnie was your favorite, yes. And he'd been given separate programming in your presence. You were perfectly at liberty to do so. So naturally his attention would be drawn to you.

But the bunny had turned human and run down the hallway to your redheaded friend. Was there danger in that? Most likely not.

At least the toy leader hoped so.

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