Eight: Coming Undone

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Fritz was livid.

But mostly at himself; it was his own damn fault. He ruined his chances, forced the kiss he wanted to enjoy onto you. You didn't even say anything. He'd walked away like a fucking coward! And why? He was scared, yes, he would admit that much. But he felt like he was being watched the entire time.

'Felt like? Fuck, I was being watched! By that goddamned sneaky little shit rabbit!'

But why did it bother him? The threat? The empty warning that there would be trouble? What the hell could a robot do?

A robot in and of itself wasn't capable of much. But an animatronic that was self-aware and could turn human at will? Quite a bit more. And what was worse, it was the one you'd made special to you. The damned thing clearly had some need to watch over you.

Or it had gotten possessive.

'I need to shut that fucker down.'


One day remained before the pizzeria was finally due to open. Fritz was more than relieved; for the most part everything had gone without a hitch. A few hiccups, that was expected.

But save for the obvious issue with Toy Bonnie, the place was ready to go.

He'd tried to get a hold of you, but you were still asleep. Fritz smiled a little bit. You were probably exhausted, finally letting it take over. That was just fine. He wanted the quiet of the restaurant to work out what he wanted to say.

If he could bring himself to speak.

A couple of hours passed by, without much happening. That day was more of a last-minute check up on everything, mostly the mascots. Make sure they were up to speed.

But that meant having to get close to them, and it took every single ounce of willpower the redhead had to not simply bash Toy Bonnie's smug plastic face in.

God did it look smug.

Like they had with you, the robots were polite to him when he'd finished, Toy Freddy even bowed a tiny bit to Fritz. The redhead smiled a little; they most likely knew that he was already aware of their secret.

But with the rabbit he stopped. Part of him didn't want to touch the damn thing. He could hardly stand to be near it! And besides, wasn't it your duty to take care of the wretched thing?

There was no guarantee you'd show up that day, though. With a sigh, Fritz carefully did the same check-up on Toy Bonnie as he had with the others. As he expected, everything was perfectly fine. Good to go for--

'Wait a sec. Wait one fucking second. I know that smell. That's her perfume.'

Did you show up when he wasn't looking? His steely gray eyes scanned the party room; no one else had come in.

So what the hell?

The scent was only mildly intoxicating; Fritz only ever associated it with you. So naturally it was one hell of a sedative. But you were nowhere to be seen. Why had he suddenly caught a whiff of it?

Securing the bunny mascot, it hit his senses again.

'Damn it all to the fucking pits of hell! It's this stupid thing!'

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