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Lucy's POV

My vision came clear randomly out of the blur. "Huh? Where am..I?" I looked around me. The last thing I remember leaving the guild and training in a cabin. Then...oh yeah...that storm hit out of nowhere and...I can't remember after that.

I moved my head left to right taking in my surroundings. It looked like I had fallen in some sort of cave. It was so dark, and cold. I shivered.

Suddenly, the temperature dropped down lower. I looked down at my hands that now had a purple tent to them. I would be wearing my exposing cloths. I sighed as the temperature dropped, again. My shivering got so bad I balled up into a tiny Lucy ball.

I could see my icy breath. "Natsu." I said quietly with a raw voice. Natsu, I need you. You always keep me warm, and secure. You make me feel safe and protected. I pretend to hate you and tell you to get out of my house, but honestly, if you ever truly did leave house would be very still, and quiet. Lonely, and cold. My teeth chattered as I hugged my knees tighter. With every ounce of strength I had in me I stated loudly in despite toon, "Natsu!" It was a quite yell, but just enough to reach outside the cave. No response.

Oh Natsu. Where are those engulfing flames of yours, where's that fiery passion I once saw in your eyes. Where's my...hero? Where did my Natsu go?

I stared up at the top of the icy cave, laying in the snow. I coughed shivering violently as I closed my eyes tightly. Rest now. I told myself. Soon enough you'll feel warmth again, when your dead and you can finally rest. So for now sleep Lucy, sleep. I kept my eyes closed smiling as silence fell, and I could no longer feel my body. It felt so numb. This must be death.

Or so I thought, my eyes shot open at the sound of a fire place. Porlyusica stood in front of me with a stern expression plastered on her face. "Child you cost me so much trouble, you're lucky I found you or you would've been a goner." I smiled at her kindly. "Thank you." She nodded, placing a mug of hot-chocolate in my hands. I sipped at it with both of my hands securing the mug. I looked over at the fire place and smiled. Natsu...wait for me. My training will be complete soon.

"Lucy. That gleam in your eye, you really care for Natsu don't you?" I was interrupted by a deep red forming on my cheeks. "What?! N-no of course not. He's just a friend." Porlyusica raised an eyebrow at me. "I never said he was more than a friend...unless, he is to you." The blush spread onto my whole face. "Tsk. No way, me and Natsu? Not a chance." Porlyusica shook her head at me. "The eyes say it all darling." I hid my face from her by looking down casually at my hot-chocolate. "Hey Porlyusica, if Natsu stops by...will you tell him I'm okay." She nodded at me. "Yes and I'll tell him that you asked for a kiss when you get back." I waved my hands around panicking. "No! No! No! That won't be necessary!" Porlyusica smiled as she said, "okay fine, now get out of my house before he comes looking for you." I nodded. "Thanks for your hospitality." She nodded as I flashed a quick smile before heading out.

I hiked south of the old woman's house towards a flower infested forest. I began training there again. I grabbed my gate keys and summoned all the spirits I could. I got to 7 before I fell over on my hands and knees panting. "Hey that's a nice looking view there." Taurus said with hearts in his eyes. I back handed him across his jaw. "Pipe down!" I ordered as Loke flirted with Aries. I rolled my eyes at the two. "Hey! Blonde! Next time you summon me out of the blue I'm ripping out that blonde hair and attaching it to Taurus's pubes!" Said Aquarius. I bit my lip as she closed her gate. "My oh my Mrs. Lucy!" Taurus said reaching for Aquarius's key. I slapped his hand away. "Hands off!" I blurted as he begged for a smooch.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Master?" I looked over at Virgo. "Is it time for punishment yet?" I growled at her. "No Virgo! You're never getting punishment okay?!" Virgo looked at me confused. "Should I be punished for that Master?" I breathed out exaggeratedly.

"All of you! Return to your gates!" I ordered as they all obeyed. I guess it's back to training then... I'm sorry Natsu. But how can I face you when I haven't finished what I started. I'll see you soon. I promise.



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