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Natsu's POV

"Happy!" I shouted in the forest, sniffing around for a whiff of his scent. "Natsu!" I heard happy shout back. The little blue fur ball came flying over as fast as he could, causing him to crash-land.

"Happy? What's wrong?" Tears swarmed in his eyes. "Lucy, she's still down there!" He said in a panic. I grasped my head in pain. Lucy, Lucy, Lucy? I know her but, I can't remember how I know her. I lost her memories, think Natsu! I fell on my knees screaming from the intense pain radiating through my head.

" me a spot at our table okay?"

My head throbbed even more, I get it now, the reason I felt so obligated to save that seat, the reason everything was out of order, it was all because I was missing Lucy.

"Happy." I said in a firm voice. Happy shot his eyes to meet mine. "Take me to her, now." Happy shook his head. "Natsu, you need to rest." I furrowed my eyebrows as tears swarmed in my eyes. "How can I rest knowing that the she's in trouble! Just take me to her now dammit!" I blurted as tears trickled down my cheeks. I can't lose her, not after how close I am to remembering her!  She's close, I can feel it. "Happy, I need to get to her asap. She could be in big danger." Happy nodded as he said his usual phrase, "Aye sir!"

He lifted me up and flew me to what looked like some sort of cave entrance. I ran down the long dark stairway with Happy by my side. "Lucy!" I screamed, causing my voice to echo in a boom. I kept running, until it got too dark to see the steps. "Happy, you can see in the dark right?"
"Take me to Lucy."
"Okay Natsu!"

I have to get there fast! Times ticking and who knows what she's doing, but I know it can't be good. I felt Happy's tail wrap around my hand as he led me around the dark room. A bright glow started getting bigger and bigger, until I noticed it was a lantern. Lucy was in the middle of the light, holding a gun to her head. My head began to throb in pain again, but it didn't matter, she was there. Nothing was going to hold me back now.

"Lucy!" I screamed, causing her to jump. "Na-tsu?" She stuttered looking weak and frail with cuts and bruises all over her perfect body. I darted for her at full speed and hugged her tightly, allowing her scent that complimented my nose to be smelt.

"Lucy..." I mumbled. "Natsu!" I collapsed and engulfed her into a tight and secure hug. She grasped the back of my shirt tightly, as if to reassure herself I wasn't going to run away. She shook and her breathing wavered. I felt liquid drip down on my shoulder mixed in with Lucy's slight sniffling. "I can't believe I forgot you..." She whispered in my ear. I gulped, I didn't want to cry in front of her. I released her and grasped her shoulders, but her head hung low as if she was abashed. "Lucy." She looked up at me with her big brown eyes flooded with tears. "I missed you." We both said at the same time. I smiled at her and brought her back into a hug. This girl...this girl is beautiful, how did I not see it before? How could I miss that?

I think I've fallen in love with my best friend.

Lucy's POV

I haven't kept my promise, I haven't expanded my magic ability. "Natsu," I said in the middle of our hugging session. He looked downward staring at my brown eyes with his vibrant green ones. "I'm going back to training." I said as his face twisted with pain. It broke my heart, but I knew what I was doing. "Lucy. Please, please don't go, stay with me. You don't know how much it hurts when you leave me! Lucy stay with me! We can go on missions and train together, I even saved that seat for you all this time! Lucy please don't go! Who will be there to cook my meals? Who will be there to Lucy kick me into walls when I act reckless? Who will fight by my side when I need it the most?! Tell me Lucy! Who?!" He said as tears flooded my cheeks. I didn't know—he cared that much. It's a sweet thought, but how can I stand to look him in the eye as the weakling I am! "Natsu! I'm not strong enough! I'm a disappointment to you! How can you stand to be near me! I'm so pathetic! Don't give me your pity! I don't want it!"

Natsu grabbed me by the shoulders and slammed me into the wall. His face came onto mine so fast I couldn't react. With my wide eyes, Natsu's lips locked mine. I let his tongue insert my mouth as we both moaned. His hand traveled down my back as he pushed on the back of my head. Our lips moved in synch with each other. Our kiss became more luxurious and powerful, and I couldn't get enough. It was so passionate, but rough...kind of like our past. Am I so blind to not see how much I've missed much I love him? We finally came up for air. No! I can leave now, he could I? I'm scared, he was my best friend. Did I just ruin everything?

I slapped him with all of my power. "Natsu! How am I supposed to leave now?!" He smirked at me. "Damn that felt good." He said under his breath in a husky voice. "What even was that?!" I asked as his attention came back onto me. "It's called a kiss." He said sarcastically. "I know that!" I shouted back as his smirk grew wider, spreading the blush on my cheeks. "But Natsu, you're supposed to do that with the person you love!" I said with a frown. He bursted into laughter, I stared at him confused. He finally quit laughing and smiled at me. "Come on. Let's go home." I nodded as he grabbed my hand. We ran up the stairs and into the light, hand in hand.

I love you, Natsu Dragneel.

AAAAAND THATS IT! Sorry I know I said 3000 words but I'm sick and I have a cold so I need to take it easy! Sorry but I hope this was good enough to satisfy y'all for now!
>.• with love- goodbye guys

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