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Lucy's POV

It hurts, it hurts to know I'll never be more than a friend to him. Yesterday, to see him like that, so confused and conflicted, that hurt even worse. Even if we're only ever friends, that's okay, I just want Natsu in my life, forever.

It's like that quote say, "Forever is a long, long time. But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side." Maybe the future holds more than just friends, but after I almost lost Natsu, I don't care anymore. For now, friends sounds like a good start.

"Lu~chan!" Levy yelled, running over to me and hugging me with tears. "Lev!" I hugged the short girl tighter. Gageel barely turned back to look at me. "Bunny Girl's back. And she's hugging Shrimp. What a sight." I blushed noticing my cleavage. Pervert. I thought, making my eyebrows furrow. "Levy can you not hug me so tight?" I asked politely with a sheepish smile. Levy released me. "Oh sorry Lu!" I smiled and waved her apology off. "It's fine. Wanna go get a drink?" She nodded. "Of course!"

We both sat down at the bar stools beside each other and ordered some juice by Cana who was currently drinking 2 more barrels of beer.

Natsu's POV

Fairy Tail seemed to be going back to normal. For one thing, it felt right to fight with Grey again, Carla and Happy were bickering over fish, and-

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Romeo suddenly asked, "Where's Wendy." Lucy's head snapped back in utter shock. "Oh my god." I managed to make out from her lips moving, although I couldn't hear her voice. That's right, I haven't seen Wendy in days. Lucy stood up with her hair shadowing over her eyes that seemed to be invisible.

"Umm excuse me Fairy Tail." Everyone's attention settled on the blonde mage. "I have bad news." Everyone payed close attention. "U-umm," Lucy started with tears slowly forming in her eyes. "A few days ago, I was captured underground, as I previously explained. Well, while I was down there." Lucy broke down into tears, which made my chest sting a little. "Wendy- she- she was shot in the head, and I tried to save her- but I was chained up- and- and I couldn't- save her! It was all my fault! I shouldn't have-" I found myself running up to her and hugging her. Everyone's eyes laid on the both of us, but I didn't care. I wasn't going to sit back and watch her cry.

"Lucy, it's okay. Come on, I'm taking you home. You need some rest." The guild watched as I led the blonde girl away from them.

I walked with her down the street. "Lucy. I'm telling you, it's not your fault." She clung to my arm as if I were going somewhere. "But Natsu, if I was more careful- she would still be here!" I stopped in front of her and grabbed her shoulders. "How are you ever going to forgive yourself if you keep blaming yourself?! Let Wendy rest in peace and stop trying to blame someone! Things happen! All bad things lead to better things, they're just good things in disguise. Lucy, you're an amazing person, nothing could change that in you. It will always be there." She cried even harder. "So stop crying will you? It hurts to see you like this." I said with a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry." She sniffled and wiped away her tears. I brought her back into a hug. "It's okay it's just traumatic for you, that's all."

We swayed back and forth in our hug. After a while, we started to walk again.

"Lucy, look at the sunset." We both stared up at the colorful sky. I looked back down at her eyes reflecting the beautiful colors. It was like a movie, she looked so beautiful, like if I pinched myself I'd wake up on her couch. "It's beautiful." She said in admiration. "Yeah it is." I said not referring to the sunset, but referring to her. She noticed my stare so I quickly averted my gaze to hide my statement. We finally reached her home and headed in.

We walked into her small home and both sloppily plopped into the couch. "Natsu, I'm going to take a shower." I nodded. "Okay." I laid down and closed my eyes to sleep, but to my luck, I couldn't.

My vivid memory kept repeating the scene of her laying in that dark room, in pain. Her tears flowing, over and over. And the worst one, her actually considering scuicide, because it was too hard on her fragile soul to see her good friend's life taken from her. I bit my lip, oh Lucy, we're a mess aren't we?

I suddenly heard the shower turn on and smiled. She's probably going to cry in there, doing the same as me, torturing herself over the recent events. I heard her whimper and realized how right I was. I know her too well.

I stood up and headed in her room to look around for her diary. I knew I wasn't going to read it, but knowing where it was wouldn't hurt. As I walked around I began to question myself. Am I crazy for not taking the chance and asking her to be my girlfriend? I just don't want to risk her. If we date, it would mean I couldn't break up with her no matter what. Because if I did, I would lose my best friend, my teammate, my lover, and even her alone. It's just too risky.

So I'll wait.

I suddenly heard the shower stop. Dammit. I need to get out of here, now! I began to run over to the door, before I reached for the nob, I heard the bathroom door open. I couldn't stop myself from looking over to find a Lucy with a towel wrapped tightly around her. Water droplets dripped off her jaw line and onto her hand. I blushed uncontrollably with a burning sensation I couldn't put into words.

Lucy gasped. "Natsu! Get the heck out of here you perv!" I couldn't peel my gaze off of her- "Natsu!" Lucy tried to grab my attention again, but failed. "Hello?" I peeled my gaze off of her combusting chest and locked on to her brown eyes.

"S-sorry Luce! I'm just gonna go!" I reached behind me and grabbed the door nob. I turned around and pushed open the door, then I quickly ran out with my tail between my legs.

Smooth Natsu, real smooth. I'm usually calm in those situations, what happened to my sly remarks? Ugh...that was just awe full. What's so different about now? Why is it taking me this long to realize her beauty? Was I blind? I should tell her that one day, that she's beautiful. But for now, I have to keep her as just my friend.

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