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Lucy's POV

Regret, remorse, sorrow. Everyone says they hate them, but yet they latch onto them, like leeches.

Happiness is something I'm fortunate to have had...sadly, it always seems to flee from me when I need it the most.

And then there's this scarce emotion I feel, love. Yes it's a fulfilling emotion to have. I feel many forms of it, sometimes it's hard to figure out which is which. But there's a certain type of love that stands stronger than any other forms of them, and this love is the type of love I smile for in the morning, I run from when I don't understand it, I plead for when I'm feeling down, and I can't get enough of when I have a burning sensation for it. In other words, this love is Natsu.

I don't know how or when I developed these feelings for him, they just showed up, and when they did...they never left. So I guess the only question that remains is, why? Why did I have to choose my best friend, my teammate, and the hardest guy to understand to fall in love with? I honestly don't know, I didn't choose him, he was just...there.

Some days I wish these feelings would disappear, other days I find myself embracing them. Love is strange, isn't it? It drives me crazy, but I still want to feel it all over again when the moment ends.

Every emotion I feel is like love, it's like Natsu. There are a variety of ways I can feel it, or interpret it, or even embrace it. Emotions are another thing I don't understand.

Some days I just want to be emotionless and other days I wish I could feel them all. I'm weird, aren't I?

I continued to walk through the forest, searching for the cave entrance. I sighed, I had a lot of time to be thinking over things.

Natsu called me beautiful. I smiled at the thought. Maybe someday me and Natsu could have a real relationship other than friendship. I continued to walk when suddenly, I was right back where I started. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What the hell?!" I said frustrated.

I took a deep breath and walked forward again, but now I stood somewhere completely different. I looked around frantically. I felt overwhelmed and scared. Get a grip, that's how they want you to feel. I told myself, although I knew it wouldn't stop the rush of emotions.

I just kept telling myself that it would all work out in the end, because I'm part of Fairy Tail, and nothing can ever defeat our guild as long as we have Natsu on our side. Jeez, when did I become so engrossed with him?

I threw my head back in defeat and sighed. Keep your head in the game! I scolded myself and started to search again.

I heard a branch crack, and it wasn't me...

Suddenly a knife flew past my head, trimming my hair, I gasped as it impelled my left shoulder.

"Gah!" I shrieked, but only to hear an all to familiar disgusting giggle. I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling my left arm gain numbness.

I held my arm and searched frantically for the black robed male I had grown to hate. My eyes landed on the psycho dying in his own laughter. "Tell me!" I screamed. "Tell me where she is!"!
His laughter only grew as I frowned harder, reaching for my belt. "I asked you a question." I said earning a gleam in my eyes. "And I expect an answer."

He stopped his laughter to answer my question just enough to make him my enemy. "Why would I tell you that when I can keep you in the dark on whether she is alive, or dead?" I gripped my whip harder. "Plus, your fun to torture. I'll never tell you for as long as your pitiful life exists. Why would I? As long as I have the right components, I own you." I furrowed my eyebrows again. "Why do you use magic to hurt people?! Don't you want to have friends?! You're so lonely! We can help you you don't have to live like this!" I cried out as a smile traced his lips. "Run along little puppet, you disobey me, for I hold the key."

I felt so helpless, so defeated. I had to obey him, I was afraid if I didn't what he'd do to Wendy, if she was even alive. So I walked away, like an obedient child as he laughed in the background. You have been dubbed my enemy sir.


So sorry for taking long! I hope this wasn't too short! >~<

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