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Lucy's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since everything has happened. It's so quiet, and calming. I think it's because everyone is relieved the drama is finally gone, but knowing my luck, it should be back soon.

I'm still confused, Natsu claims he just wants friendship, so why did he kiss me? Was it heat of the moment, relieved pain, or just another way to string my fragile heart along. I'm so hurt, so pissed. I don't know what to believe anymore, what does he mean? He's so dense and vague that it irks me. I don't know if the next thing that comes out of his mouth will be a proposal or if it will be him tearing my heart more. That was a bad example, but it's kind of how I feel.

There's only one question in my brain right now, is Natsu actually comprehending these feelings, or is he just as jumbled up as me? What is he feeling?

Me and Natsu were watching a horror movie together since Halloween was coming up. "Lucy?" Natsu said. I turned to face him. "Yeah Natsu what's up?" He looked at me with an unreadable expression. "What are you dressing up as?" He asked, causing me to raise and eyebrow. "Why?" Blush clearly formed on his cheeks. I smiled softly to myself. Cute! "U-umm, well Eeza invited me to this party thing and she said you have to have a date to get in..." His face got redder. "So just tell me dammit!" He demanded. I laughed slightly. "Okay, well come here it's pulled up on my computer." We headed over and I sat down at the computer. I pulled up the costume I decided on earlier. "This one." His eyes shot open in shock over the sexy cat on screen. "Luce, that's too...umm revealing." I frowned. "You're not my parents! I'm an adult Nastu!" He rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, have fun giving all of the guys nosebleeds." I furrowed my eyebrows, deeper in confusion. "Natsu, why are you acting like this?" Natsu swiftly turned his body towards mine, blushing. "It's just the costume- other guys will- ugh forget it. Wear the damn thing, see if I care." I watched as he argued with himself. "You're acting weird." I commented. His blush grew deeper, which I had to admit was even cuter, teasing him was fun.

"No I'm not! You're the one being all weird and crap. Acting all detective and stuff!" I bursted out into laughter as he faced away from me. "Whatever!" He blurted as I continued in a fit of laughter.
"Natsu...aww are you jealous?" His face turned a darker red, as I continued laughing at his pink face. "No! I have to use the bathroom!" He stated as I continued my giggle fest. I grabbed his arm and turned him to face me, still giggling. "Natsu. That made my day!" I continued to laugh like the Mad Haddar as Natsu watched with a stern look on his face. "Yeah yeah." He said with a roll of his eyes.

"Anyways. As I was saying my date to the stupid Halloween dance thing." He said, tinting red again. "Only if we get couple costumes." I said. He groaned loudly. "Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce. No...." He whimpered. I rolled my eyes. "Yes." He continued to throw a fit like a kid. "But Grey will see me there, and he'll make fun."


"Stop being a baby!"

"Nooooooooooooooooo...I don't wanna."

"Fine by me, the deal's off."

He sighed.


I smiled. "Okay! Great. Let's find you a dog costume." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah."

AAAAAND! Boom short chapter #500 sorry! Next chapter will be the dance. I know the chapters have been less serious, but I have stuff planned! MUAHAHAHA

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