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Lucy's POV

Hey Natsu? Do you believe in love?

Hey Natsu, did you know that you've always been my role model?

Hey Natsu, did you know since I've joined the guild, no one has respected me more than you?

Hey Natsu, did you know that I really do like to hang out with you?

Hey Natsu, did you know the main reason I won't let you read my stories is because they are sexual and I'm ashamed of you seeing them?

Hey Natsu, did you know that pink is my favorite color, and my favorite color on you?

Hey Natsu? How has the guild been without me? Is it still as lively and rambunctious as it was when I left, or is it too quiet and peaceful to be my Fairy Tail?

Hey Natsu, say one of my friends has a best friend, would it be wrong for my friend to like her best friend?

Hey Natsu? Could you ever date one of your best friends?

Hey Natsu, are you eating properly? Is my fridge already empty? I could imagine so.

Hey Natsu, win the s-class trials for me. Okay?

Hey Natsu, you mean everything to me, from the smallest grain of salt to the entire Earth, you are my everything and losing you would probably mean losing myself.

Hey Natsu? What are you feeling from all of this? Anger, frustration, depression? I don't quite know what I'm feeling yet.

Hey Natsu? Please tell me you're still smiling, and eating with Happy, fighting with Grey, being beaten by Erza, and most of all...being that lovable hot-headed pink haired guy that everyone in the guild admires. Please tell me you haven't given up on yourself because of me, I couldn't go on living knowing that I ruined you.

Hey Natsu? When I return, I hope the color in this world will too, because without you...everything just seems so...dull.

"Princess?" I looked over at Virgo. "Yeah?" I said blinking away the tears. "Are you still thinking about Natsu?" For once I didn't feel like denying it. "Yeah..." I said looking away. She smiled. "Lucy do you love Natsu?" I blushed a little. "I don't know." I bit my lip intensely. "Would it be wrong to?" Virgo stared at me blankly. "I don't understand." I sighed. "Forget it." I brushed away the stray strands of hair dangling in front of my eyes. I stared up at the blue, blue sky. "I really miss him you know." She looked at me with a smile. "Princess, I know you do. He's your best friend. Why wouldn't you?" I shrugged. "I want to go back." She gave me a weak smile. "You can go back, there's nothing wrong with going back." I shook my head. "I'm finishing what I started." She shrugged sadly. "Okay princess." I got back up and started to call out my spirits one by one, without even touching my keys.

I stopped at Aquarius because my body gave out and I flopped over on the ground. Luckily Leo the Lion caught me. "Thanks Leo." He nodded. "Any time princess." He put me back down. I stood there, like a statue unable to move. For some strange reason I wanted to cry.

I wasn't making much progress and I missed Natsu more than anything. I sat down and closed all of my spirit's gates. Once they were gone, I freely let my emotions out. I cried because I missed him, I missed him so so much and what was killing me inside was the fact that I could go back if I wanted to, I could but I chose not to. That was what irked me inside. I was so ashamed of myself being seen in the Fairy Tail guild hall that it would be an embarrassment to the guild name.

So I trained even harder, no more of the weak Lucy! She is gone, dead. I am the new Lucy, and I vow to the Fairy Tail name that I will be and s-class Mage! I will be strong for me, Natsu, and the whole guild. Because I love every single wizard in that guild, and I want to be able to proudly embrace the fact that I belong to that guild!

Natsu, you will indeed see me soon, mock my words. I am coming home, soon. So for now wait, just a bit longer and you will have you teammate back in your deck of cards ready to play.

Until next time, Natsu Dragneel.

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