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"how do we fall in love? harder than a bullet could hit ya?"


I pulled up to the school and ran inside, looking everywhere to try and find Cherry. I immediately spotted the red head talking to Marcia. I sprinted over towards them and shot a smile at Marcia.

"Hey, Marc, could you give us just a second?" I asked politely.

She nodded and walked away, leaving just Cherry and I at the lockers. She shot me a glare and I sighed. "I'm sorry for how I acted towards you yesterday, Cherry. You're my best friend and you do so much for me. I was out of line."

Her facial expression changed and she shot me a forgiving smile, pulling me into a hug. "I love you, Kota. You know that, but I really think you should give those Greasers a chance. Just see what they're like."

I rolled my eyes, thinking of the encounter I just had this morning. "Yeah, well keep dreaming on that. I just went to the DX this morning and those two Greasers just about drove me crazy."

"Sodapop and Steve?" Cherry questioned, knitting her eyebrows in confusion. "They're one of the nicest Greasers I've met. I'm sure you were just being mean to them, so they did it back."

I chuckled. "That Sodapop guy kept teasing me just because he knew it pissed me off."

Cherry started giggling. "I'm sure you two would make great friends."

I rolled my eyes. "Tell Bob that."

We started walking towards history class together, but a pair of hands grabbed my wrist, pulling me back. I met face-to-face with Bob. He gave me a small peck on the lips. "Have a good day, love you."

I laughed and pulled away from him. "Love you too."

All of his friends started making kissy faces at us, causing me to flip them off before walking into class. I sat down in my seat and felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly glanced behind me and saw Steve.

My eyes went wide and I started groaning. "I thought you were at the DX."

He shook his head, an amused grin on his face. "Nope. I was just helping out Soda for the morning. I left right after you."

I rolled my eyes while huffing, turning back to pay attention to the teacher. Cherry was watching us, trying to stifle a laugh. She knows I'm irritated. Steve got close to my ear. "We're going to be best friends, Miss Prissy."

"No, we're not, hood." I snapped, causing the teacher to yell at the both of us.

Steve started giggling behind me, making me grit my teeth. This is now my least favorite class. As soon as the bell rung, I hopped out of my seat, racing towards the door. I went towards science class and thanked God that Steve wasn't in this one.

I sat down in my seat beside a kid named Keith. He's a Greaser, so I don't talk to him unless I have to, but Lord does he love talking to me. He's not even supposed to be in school, but he's gotten held back so much, he's still in this hell hole.

He came in with his usual Mickey Mouse shirt on and shot me a smirk, causing me to furrow my eyebrows. He sat in his usual seat beside me and started giggling. "I see you've met my best buddies this morning."

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