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this chapter will be FULL of FEELS]

"can't change the way we are, one kiss away from killing."


Journal Entry #531

my grandmother once told me, "Relationships are work, honey, and they aren't 50/50. Some days when I get up I only feel like giving 10%, then your granddaddy has to give 90% that day. But there is always 100% love." 


Do you know that feeling when you feel like your drowning but you're not even in water?

When you see everything crash and burn to the ground but you can't do anything about it?

"I'm just glad you're okay." That's all it took for me to fall.

To fall too hard.

"You okay, Kota? You haven't talked much." Andrew furrowed his eyebrows at me, looking at me as if I were a piece of paper with a foreign language written all over it.

I shrugged, continuing to stare into space. "Just thinking, is all."

He was still curious and Andrew is the type that's never satisfied until they get the answers they need. "What are you thinking about then?"

I glanced up at his face for the first time in ten minutes and arched my eyebrow. "Have you always been this nosy?"

He chuckled and got up to pour himself another cup of tea, still keeping his gaze on me as I sat at the kitchen table, a coffee mug in my hands. "Well, usually I'd let you keep your thoughts to yourself, but you just seem really out of it today. It's like what you're thinking is bothering you."

I bit my lip, mentally cursing him because he's right. He's always right. I let out a soft laugh. "It's none of your concern, Andrew. I'm perfectly fine with my own thoughts."

He raised his eyebrow. "Are you sure about that?"

I sighed and laid my head down on the table. "Andrew, promise me something."


"You'll stay with me?"

He smiled. "Until the very end."

I nodded and took a deep breath, sitting back up. "Well, I... I think I like Sodapop."

His eyes went wide. "Like?"

"Love? Ugh, I don't know!" I tugged my hair in frustration, making him laugh and sit back down in front of me at the kitchen table.

"I knew it would happen."

I cocked my head to the side. "Oh, really? How?"

He shot me a small grin. "You know what they say, whoever you make fun of is the person you secretly love."

I started giggling. "Who told you that? Your first grade teacher?"

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