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"one breath, it'll just break it."


"Hey, Kota, want to come over to Andrew's house with me?" My brother asked as we walked on the sidewalk towards home.

"I don't know, Lucas. I have tons of homework to do tonight, plus I have to study for my science test."

He groaned, tilting his head back while rolling his eyes. "That's all you ever talk about. School this and school that. Try and have fun."

I huffed. "Fine. I guess I'll go."

He smirked and pulled me towards Andrew's house, my blonde, curly locks bouncing in the wind. Once we arrived over on the East side, we went inside Andrew's house. He gave Lucas a high-five and pulled me into a tight hug.

"So, what-" Andrew started speaking, but got cut off by the sound of gunshots.

"What the hell?" I asked, turning my attention towards the window.

We heard screaming and my brother ran out the house, me shouting after him. "Lucas! Get back here!"

Andrew and I shot each other quick glances, running outside after him. There were two Greasers standing on the street looking at a body on the ground. It was covered in blood. One of the Greasers ran off, leaving the other one standing there.

My brother shook his head, his blue eyes filled with fury. "I'm going to call the cops!"

The Greaser didn't want him to call the cops because he shook his head. My brother laughed and started going inside to call the cops when the Greaser held up the gun, pointing it at the back of Lucas's head and shot him.

And just like that he was gone.


"Mom, I'm going to go take a walk. I need some fresh air." I breathed, getting dizzy from all of the flashbacks I've been having.

She nodded, taking a sip of her coffee. "Alright, just be careful. Please. Be back in at least fifteen minutes."

Fifteen minutes wouldn't sound like a lot to people, but ever since my brother died, both of my parents have been extremely over-protective. I used to be able to be out as long as nine at night, but that changed in a matter of a gunshot.

I grabbed a bottle of water and walked outside onto the porch, the cool fall breeze instantly making me feel much better. Most people say fall and winter is the most depressing for them, but not for me.

I continued to walk and didn't know where I wanted to go, but I let my feet take me where they wanted. I saw the DX in the distance and felt my stomach growl. Maybe just a small snack. I entered inside the DX, glancing around. It was warm and cozy in here, just the right temperature for the season.

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