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guys!! obriens80s made me an amazing trailer for this book and I can't even post it on here ughh! go check out their account and books, they're amazing!


also, I'm so sorry for not posting in a while. I went to a concert Tuesday and it was a Sabrina Carpenter concert I was so close and had SO MUCH FUN!

and then I had to go to the dentist and get a lot of stuff done on my mouth and I've been in so much pain, so I'm very sorry, I hope you understand.

but, I hope this chapter makes up for it! :)



"like a river, like a river, shut your mouth and run me like a river."

Journal Entry #540

the saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.


I don't even know why, but I was up at six in the morning, finding my hands making coffee for my dry throat. I took a sip of the warm concoction as it traveled down my throat, warming up my insides.

I sighed and leaned my elbows on Andrew's kitchen counter, playing all the details out that happened last week. It's been a week since Soda told me he was supposedly back with Sandy, and Andrew's been acting weird ever since then.

I bit my lip and went through what happened one more time. Soda looking highly upset, me running to Andrew and him not comforting me as he usually does. It's like he... knew it.

I slammed my mug on the counter and busted through his bedroom door, making it crash against the wall. He jumped out of bed, furrowing his eyebrows. "Dakota, what the hell?"

I started laughing constantly. "You better tell me what's going on between you and Soda right now, or I will kill you!"

The same guilty expression washed over his face and he sighed, patting the spot beside him for me to sit. "I don't want to tell you without him, so I'll go call him and tell him to meet us by the river."

I didn't even say anything to him. I just stood up and watched as he buried his face in his hands, regretting what he's going to tell me.


I wrapped my jacket around me as the chilly November air stung at my cheeks. Andrew hasn't spoken a word to me ever since I left the room. We continued walking towards the river and I saw Soda's figure standing there, watching us with an uneasy look on his face.

We stopped right in front of him and I took a deep breath. "Go ahead. Tell me now what you couldn't tell me then."

Soda and Andrew shot each other a quick glance, as if to say good luck to each other. Soda inhaled deeply and started to tell me the whole story, me listening the whole time with my mouth dropped.

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