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[my stupid self switched up the lyrics from last chapter and the one below. the one below was supposed to be the lyrics for last chapter and vise-versa, but oh well.]

"one last breath till the tears start to wither."


Journal Entry #529

brave girl, you were made for far more beautiful things. chaos is only understood when it is loved by the wild, not the weak.


"Dakota, are you okay? You've been acting weird ever since I mentioned the rope swing at the river." Soda furrowed his eyebrows at me as us, along with the gang, started walking towards the river.

I shot him an assuring smile and shook my head, turning my attention back towards the ground. "It's nothing."

He smirked at me. "What? You afraid of heights?"

I would've laughed, but instead I just simply shook my head. "No, it's nothing. You wouldn't understand. Well, you may, but I don't feel like explaining it."

He kept his concerning gaze on me, a million questions probably running through his mind. He didn't say a word to me the whole way there after that and the only sound heard was Two-Bit hooting and hollering, trying to wake up people sleeping.

Once we arrived, the chilling wind found its way across my skin, making goosebumps travel all across my body. I shivered and my teeth started chattering, along with Ponyboy and Johnny's. Two-Bit slapped me on the back playfully, making me go forward into Soda.

"Oh, you're a bunch of little babies! Don't be afraid of a little cold!"

After I pushed myself off of Soda, I growled and spun around towards Two-Bit. I felt a sudden irritation towards everyone and I realized it was a bad idea that I came. Coming here and going on the rope swing brings back painful memories.

Memories that I don't want to explain to anyone.

"I'm not afraid of the cold, I'm just freezing because it's fall and you idiots want to jump in freezing water!" I shouted, my voice shaking each time it got louder.

Dallas shook his head. "What'd I tell ya? Soc's never change. She's still a bitc-"

"Finish that sentence and I won't hesitate to slice your neck, bastard." I snapped, pushing him so he fell into the ice cold water.

Everyone started giggling, trying to stifle a laugh once Dallas came out soak and wet. He shot me a death glare and I shot one back, turning on my heels and walking back towards my house.

"Dakota! Dakota!" Soda kept yelling for me, but I ignored him and continued to walk away, tears falling down my face. It was so cold, the tears might as well have been frozen on my pale face.

A pair of hands landed on my shoulders and spun me around towards them. I glanced up and found Soda staring at me intently, his breath coming out in a white cloud. "What's wrong, Dakota? Tell me."

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