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"shut your mouth, baby stand and deliver."


Journal Entry #535

some people smoke, others drink, and others fall in love, each one dies from a different way.


Even though I didn't want to, I had to go to school today. I quickly threw on some clothes and finished my usual morning routine for hell. Once I got downstairs, my dad threw me a donut and shot me a smile, me shooting him one back.

My dad was a cool guy, chiller than my mom, but we have an awkward relationship. We don't talk much, but that's because he's always gone along with my mom. The only thing that matters is I know he cares about me and he knows I care about him.

I grabbed my backpack and yelled goodbye before opening the door and walking to school. I was so used to Bob driving me to school, that I almost stopped and waited on the porch, as if his blue Mustang was going to pull up.

I sighed sadly and continued walking against the cold, cursing my mom for making me walk to school everyday. As soon as I arrived in the school building, I looked like Rudolph the Reindeer went through hell.

Cherry saw me and dashed towards me, engulfing me in a gut-crushing hug. "Oh, I missed you so much! Where were you yesterday?"

I shrugged. "I was a little sick."

These lies pour out of my mouth so easily, I don't know whether to be impressed or disappointed. We walk to class and I already prepare for Steve to ask me a million questions, but to my surprise he stayed quiet the whole class period, making me even more upset.

As soon as I got to science class, I knew Two-Bit would talk to me, and he did. "What's up, Kota?" He asked, sitting in the stool beside me.

I shot him a small smile. "You know, you're actually the first person to talk to me. Steve ignored me the whole class period."

Two-Bit chuckled. "Steve is an idiot, don't pay attention to him. Soda is too, they're just teenage boys who don't know a thing about girls."

I started giggling and Two-Bit had a proud grin plastered on his face, as if making me laugh was an accomplishment.

"You always know how to make me laugh, Two-Bit."

He puffed out his chest and winked at me. "Why, thank ya, Missy."

The rest of the class period consisted of Two-Bit cracking jokes the entire time, causing the science teacher to make him have detention. By the end of the class, my face was red from laughing so hard. "I can't believe you got detention!"

Two-Bit pouted. "I didn't know my jokes were that bad."


Two-Bit and I glanced up and my eyes went wide once I saw Soda standing in front of me. I muttered the F word under my breath, causing Two-Bit to go into fits of giggles. "Look at that, Soda, you made her curse! How dare you?"

Soda cracked a small smile, but then it faded once he turned back towards me. " Dakota, are you oka-"

"Just leave me alone." I snapped. "Now, Steve won't even talk, let alone, look at me! Pony came to my house just to apologize for what you did! Just don't talk to me!"

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