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"choke this love till the veins start to shiver."


Journal Entry #527

"But you loved her?"


"And she loved you?"


"Then why did it end?"

"Because love and compatibility are not always the same thing."


"I'm glad you're finally accepting Greasers. I knew you'd do it." Andrew shot me a small smile while taking another sip of his tea.

Lord, how he loves his tea.

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. "Wait, how the hell did you know that? Have you been following me?" He threw his head back in a laugh while shaking his head. "Kota, just because I'm friends with Darry doesn't mean I can't be friends with Soda also."

I growled and rolled my eyes. "I hate him so much."

"Anyways, Soda wanted me to ask you if you wanted to meet Sandy today. They'll be at the DX if you want to go."

I about spit out my tea all over his hardwood floors and shot him an 'are you actually serious?' look. "You want me, the most sassiest and rudest person, to meet Sandy Adams, the biggest stuck up brat Tulsa has ever seen? Not a good combination."

He rolled his eyes. "You are not rude. You just have a lot of opinions people don't like to hear."

I shrugged. "They're not opinions, they're the truth. And the truth hurts."

He started chuckling and sighed. "Dakota, look, this is your chance to make friends with a girl that's not Cherry or Marcia. Them two are literally the only girls you talk to."

"And?" I sassed. "Two dramatic friends are enough. I don't need a brat also."

He grinned, despite his urge not to. "Well, if you do want to go, they're at the DX."

I stood up and started walking out the door. "Yeah, well if I get in a fight, it's all your fault."


"KoKo-Puffs! I was hoping you'd come!" Soda's always cheerful voice rang through my ears as I opened the door to the DX.

I shot a small smile, but it faded once I saw the blonde-headed girl sitting next to him. She was wearing a skirt that showed.... everything. Now I don't care what you wear, but this was Sandy we're talking about.

And if you don't know the things she's done, you must be living in a hole ten feet underground.

I guess Soda just decided to look past all that and that shows how much he really loves her. Sandy shot me an innocent smile and waved, like we were old time best friends. I returned, even though I didn't want to.

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