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[as you can see by the GIF above of Dakota, this chapter is going to be pretty intense.]

"tales of an endless heart, cursed is the fool who's willing."


Journal Entry #530

you want the company of someone so much. yet, you're used to being alone. so when someone is finally a constant in your life, you push them away.


"Mickey Mouse? Of course you would, Two-Bit." I chuckled as he waltzed up in a Mickey Mouse costume, the gang not too far behind him.

He did a once-over of my costume and shot me a dissaproving look. "Really? You're dressed as Batgirl? Typical."

I shook my head and started chuckling as the rest of the gang came towards us. Soda was with Sandy and they both were dressed as Superman and Superwoman.

Although, I don't think Sandy is much of a Superwoman.

"Batgirl, eh? You're our enemy." Soda joked, shooting me a warm smile.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry, I can't hear you. The only words I heard come out of your mouth were, Batman is better than Superman."

He started laughing and Sandy just stood there, giving me that, why are you talking to my boyfriend look.

"Well, welcome to Randy's annual Halloween party! Make it as memorable as possible."

Two-Bit laughed. "Oh trust me, I will."

Once we got inside, the only thing you could hear was the Monster Mash blasting through the radio and a bunch of teenagers in costumes screaming, making memories.

I walked over towards Randy and shot him a grin. "Banger party, as always."

He chuckled and took a sip of alcohol. "Aw, I'm flattered. Go have fun, Kota! Get drunk for once in your life."

I laughed. "Yeah, like we'll see that happen."

He shrugged. "It's Halloween. Anything can happen."

I went over to the punch bowl and poured me a cup of fruit punch, downing the thing in under one minute. I was extremely thirsty, I haven't had a drink of anything all day.

I poured myself another cup and started walking towards Ponyboy and Johnny. They shot me a smile and nodded their heads at me.

"How have you guys been doing?" I questioned, occasionally shooting a glance over at Soda and Sandy.

Pony shrugged. "We haven't been up to much. There's nothing to do in this boring town anyways."

I laughed while nodding my head in agreement. "You got that right. As soon as I'm of age, I'm fleeting this town and never looking back."

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