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"holy hands, ooh they make me a sinner." 

Journal Entry #536

I already said too much. I already shared too much, and I want all my secrets back. I hate getting close to people these days, I always regret sharing too much, caring too much, doing too much, and feeling too much.


Everyone was clearly shocked by Soda's choice of words, especially Sandy. Her eyes went wide and she turned on her heels, stomping back to wherever she came from. 

Two-Bit went up and patted Soda on the back. "Now, that's step one. Next step is you break up with that dingbat." 

I started giggling, despite how quiet it was at the moment. Everyone else started to join in with me, even Dally cracked a small smile. We all sat down in a circle on the grass right beside the river and just talked. 

We talked about random things, but really they weren't that random to me. It was random to them, but I took it in a whole different perspective. 

Now, I know that Darry always eats his food with chocolate milk because his dad once told him as a kid that it made you have 'superpowers.'

I know that Two-Bit loves Mickey Mouse a lot because when he was a kid and his parents used to fight, Mickey Mouse was on TV and it comforted him in a way a person never could. 

I know that Johnny always claps his hands two times before going in his house because he thinks it's good luck. 

I know that Pony always reads books because his mom told him that reading books make you go to a place in your mind that you usually can't reach. 

I know that Steve always wants the best for Soda because Soda has gotten hurt so many times, that he lost the old Soda. 

I know that Dallas is actually extremely sweet under those cold, dark eyes of his. He just doesn't show it for the sake of his ego. 

I know that Andrew always prays before he goes to sleep because he hopes that Lucas will be listening to him. 

And lastly, I know that Soda always puts others before himself because all he wants is his best friends to be happy. 

That's all I learned just by them talking and how they look at each other. 

"Kota, you've been awful quiet." Darry spoke, shooting me a small smile. 

I laughed softly. "I was just... observing." 

"What are you? A detective?" Two-Bit joked, making me roll my eyes. 

"How about you tell us something, Dakota." Pony announced, making me shift uncomfortably in the grass. 

Andrew came to my rescue, like always. "She's one that keeps to herself. It's gonna take a lot to get something out of her. She's known me her whole life and she still doesn't even tell me things." 

Johnny raised his eyebrows and spoke to me for the first time. "I can relate to that. I don't like telling people things either." 

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