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"holy hands, ooh they make me a sinner."


"Hey, Randy, could I talk to you for a minute?"

He turned around, shooting me a small grin. "Yeah, what's up?"

"You're with Marcia now?" I raised my eyebrows, seeing as his expression dropped once I mentioned her name.

He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Can we talk... somewhere else?"

I glanced around at all of the people surrounding us, going about their day. I nodded my head and got in his car, watching as Soda and Pony walked out of the school together.

Randy pulled up to the football field and we walked out, sitting on the bleachers.

I glanced at the football field and felt a lump in my throat. The only thing I could picture was Bob getting thrown to the ground repeatedly, making me feel nauseous.

Randy must've recognized my expression because he sighed. "I'm sorry, Kota. I didn't think about that. It's just this is where Bob and I always came to talk."

I nodded my head, trying to shake the feeling away. "Anyways," We locked eyes, "you're dating Marcia?"

He shook his head. "No, I told her I didn't want to date her. With all of this stuff going on with Bob.... I just can't do anything anymore. It's like my usual routine got thrown down the drain. There's a hole in me."

I laughed softly. "You have no idea."

He sighed, looking out onto the empty field. I'm sure flashbacks of him and Bob were running through his mind and I frowned, knowing he was going to feel this way for a long time.

Because it's how I still feel about my brother.

"I feel like I should be more upset with Bob gone, but... I just don't feel anything." It felt good to get it off my chest, and I could see Randy from the corner of my eye, thinking of what to say.

"That's normal to feel that way." He replied, his voice melancholy.

I feel like he wasn't just talking to me either.

"Randy, how do you really feel about the Greasers?" The question I've really been wanting to get out, finally slipped out of my mouth with no warning.

We locked eyes for a minute straight and it was as if a whole new Randy appeared. He seemed... different.

"If I'm being honest with you, Kota, I don't mind them. I think you should give them a chance."

I cocked my head to the side. "And why should I do that?"

He held his hand in mine. "Because I talked to Bob before he died and he was going to accept Greasers."

I let his words ring through my eardrums. Bob was going to... be nice to Greasers? Accept them?

I stood up, taking a deep breath. "I-I have to go. Thanks for talking with me, Randy."

He nodded. "We should do it again sometime."

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