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"like a river, like a river. shut your mouth and run me like a river."


"I can see why you come out here. It's so.... peaceful." Soda's voice spoke breathlessly, the wind blew through his hair and made the water below us rock back and forth.

I nodded my head, wrapping my wool blanket around me tightly to try and block the wind out. It was harsher than usual, but I shook it off, thinking it was nothing. There was a silence between Soda and me, and I don't know if it's a comfortable or awkward one.

Maybe in the middle.

"So," I started, trying to make conversation. "Tell me about yourself. You seem to know a lot about me, but I don't really know that much about you."

He hesitated, as if there were tons of things he didn't want to tell me about himself. "Well, it's only Darry, Ponyboy, and me. Our parents died in a car accident involving a train, and as you can see, it took a big toll on us. I had to dropout of school to help Darry pay the bills and poor Ponyboy has been yelled at constantly by Darry. It's only because Darry wants the best for him, though. Pony just can't see that."

I smiled. "I understand why Darry gives him high expectations, but you should try and tell him it won't help. My parents have pushed me for years with their high expectations and all its gotten me is an F in two of my classes, my highest being a 90%. Sometimes being there for them is the best way for them to succeed. My parents don't seem to understand that, but I hope Darry will."

Soda kept a gaze on me the whole time I was talking and when I finished, he gave me a small grin, looking down at the water. "You know, KoKo-Puffs, you dig okay."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Anyways, continue. I know that can't be everything."

He bit his lip and his facial expression told me that what he was about to say was important. "Well, since Darry and Ponyboy fight all the time, it's like I'm stuck in the middle. They're always trying to get me to take sides, but what they don't understand is that we need to stick together. We're all we have now."

I was silent as I listened to him rant and get everything off of his chest, nodding here and there to make him know I was listening. I knew right then and there that listening to Soda talk while watching the small waves of the river below us from the bridge was the best thing to do.

"And then there's, Sandy." His voice sounded upset, frustrated, angry, and happy all at the same time which confused me.

I turned towards him, my eyes wide. "Are you talking about Sandy Adams?"

He nodded his head as a sigh escaped his lips. "Man, I love her. I love her so much, but she doesn't feel the same way. You don't even know how it feels."

I frowned and rubbed his back soothingly. "Just be happy you have two brothers that care about you and a whole group of friends that will have your back."

He shot me a smile. "I like you like this way better, although I do miss your sassy remarks."

"Shut the hell up, Cheerios." I snapped, making him throw his head back while laughing.

He fell onto his back on the bridge, looking up at the sky and I did the same. "You let me rant about my life, and now it's your turn."

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