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"like a river, like a river, shut your mouth and run me like a river." 

Journal Entry #537

if they love you to death, never die on them. 


"You ready?" I asked as I glanced at Andrew. We were both getting ready to meet Soda at the Dingo and Jay's, where we tell him that we're dating

He took a deep breath and nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be." 

We both got in his car as he drove towards the Dingo and Jay's. Even though I've lived in Tulsa my whole life, I've never been to the Dingo and Jay's. 

Once we arrived, we stepped out of the car as our feet carried us into the Dingo and Jay's, the aroma of cheeseburgers and milkshakes greeting my nose and taste buds. 

We saw Soda sitting at a booth and gradually walked over to him, his big smile fading once he saw Andrew. "I thought it was just going to be you and me?" He asked, disappointment thick in his voice.

I bit my lip and turned towards Andrew, already feeling a pang of guilt. "I just brought Andrew because I wanted to tell you that we are dating." 

Soda's eyes went wide and he looked as if he didn't believe me. "You two? But you guys are like brother and sister, why would you ever date?" 

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. "Well, unlike you, Andrew has always been there for me and given me advice when I need it." 

Soda looked taken aback, but still gave me a small smile

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Soda looked taken aback, but still gave me a small smile. "Well, maybe we can go on a double-date tomorrow." 

I turned towards Andrew with a raised eyebrow. "That'd be great. What time?" 

Soda shot me a smirk. "Seven. Picnic at the river.

I felt anger bubble inside of me and let out a shaky breath as I shot him the fakest smile I could manage. "Great. You're bringing the food though." 

He stood up out of the booth. "Oh, I will. You two enjoy your date, I'm going to go home to Sandy." 

He exited the Dingo and Jay's, making me turn towards Andrew with a scowl on my face. "That little-" 

"Let's calm down and sit and eat, okay?" Andrew interjected, sitting me down on one side of the booth as he sat on the other side. 

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