Chapter Two

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Willow's POV

Two pairs of yellow eyes fixated on me and suddenly all I saw was a blur of brown and black fur. I ducked down and closed my eyes, hugging my knees tightly.  Claws scraped my back and fangs impaled my shoulders, burning my body.Hot tears slid down my cheeks and I heard a sudden cry of pain, and by then I was so numb I didn't even realize it had come from me. I lifted my chin weakly just in time to see a flash of dark purple and black slash and cut at the wolves eating at me. My head fell back onto my knees and my eyes drooped. I fought to stay awake, and my efforts succeeded.

Suddenly I heard a cry of anger, and as I weakly lifted my chin up I saw a blur of black and dark purple, and then darkness claimed me as one of their own.
When I passed out,  I just remember everything spinning before it happened. I remember watching everything blur as I began to fall to the ground. I remember a flash of hair, lustrous as onyx stone, flowing down the boy's shoulder's like a river. I remember obsidian orbs otherwise known as eyes glancing at me warily. I remember pale, creamy silk skin, dotted with the lightest of freckles.


Blinding light burned my eyes as I tried to sit up. I looked around me and saw two boys and a girl. One of them was the pale, onyx eyed boy who saved me, but the others were complete strangers. The other boy looked like a Latino elf, with tan skin, curly brown hair, and energetic brown eyes. The girl was astonishingly beautiful, with choppy, shoulder-length mahogany hair, and copper colored skin. Her eyes were a kaleidoscope of colors, and I got lost in them easily. I struggled to my feet, and the onyx eyed boy walked over to me hesitantly. I shied away from the others and into the boy's comforting, warm, arms. He wrapped his arms around me protectively, one hand around my waist, one hand at his sword. His sword? I quickly looked down again and, indeed, there was a black sword that seemed to radiate darkness, pulling at my soul.

I was completely terrified, and I glanced nevously back to the two teenagers.  They looked back and forth between the boy and me like they were surprised that he was hugging me. Their eyes were slightly widened, their mouths gaping open. "You open your mouth any wider you'll catch flies." I murmured angrily, and their faces tinged red with embarassment. I glared at them, but when I caught the Latino elf's sad brown eyes, my gaze softened and I immediately liked him. I scooted away from the other boy, still dazed about what was happening, and why this boy had a sword and why giant wolf things tried to attack me.

"We'll explain everything to you in a bit." I heard the boy behind me confirm in a low, gruff voice. I smiled sadly and whispered, "Everything? I doubt it." Everything was not explainable in my life. The Latino Elf smiled. "I agree." I could hear the joking in his voice, but also the sadness. "Mhmm.." The girl murmured. She looked like a more beautiful version of a Cherokee girl. Her kaleidoscope eyes glinted with happiness. I smiled, the first true smile I had smiled in a long time. Then I saw something that made my brain burst. 

The tip of the Latino elf's nose had caught on fire! "OHMYGAHD YOUR NOSE is on FIRE PUT IT OUT YOU IDIOTS!!!" I screamed, terrified, smile long gone. The Latino elf didn't even flinch, and just closed his eyes. Suddenly, the fire disappeared. My mouth gaped open like a fish and I noticed just then that my wounds were gone. Completely. "What the hell is going on here?" I whirled around and angrily questioned the boy behind me. I caught his sad, sad, onyx eyes and I only felt understanding yet angry confusion. "We need to take her to Chiron." The Cherokee girl decided. Latino elf nodded and onyx eyed boy nodded.

"Chiron?" As in, the trainer of all the legendary Greek heroes? No, that's not possible. Right?

"Um... Yeah. Come with me. Leo, Nico, go tell the others." Her voice was pulling me in and tempting me to go track down the others, whoever they were, but I resisted. It's weird, it's like she was forcing me to do it. Almost. She looked at onyx eyed boy when she said 'Nico', so I assumed that was his name. It rolled off my tongue nicely, tenderly. She looked at Latino elf, now named Leo, and he and Nico moved towards the door automatically. "Sorry boys, charmspeak." She added, as if that explained everything. As they disappeared behind the mahogany door, Cherokee girl stared at the white wall for a second, then glanced back at me nervously. 

"Here we go..." 

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