Chapter 9

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A/N GUUUUYS NEED COMMENTS PLEASE! I HAVE WRITERS BLOCK SO HELP ME COME UP WITH SOMETHING! I will give a Shoutout to the person(s) with the best idea!! Anyways get on with the book!!
Willow's POV 

I gently traced the angelic face of my savior as I fixed up his brusied face, courtesy of me, although I'm not too skilled with first aid.

  I shouldn't have whacked him over the head with a spare and random sword that I found lying around in the forest!

I jumped a little when I saw his eyes open slowly, then got back to my repairing of his now damaged face. 

I heard him make a little sound between a gasp and a choke, then he jerked his head out of my lap, wincing as he did. "Don't be stupid! I need to heal you!" I scolded, only resulting in a growl and his glare. He grumbled, "I wouldn't need fixing if you hadn't knocked me unconscious."
"Bro, I dont know who pissed in your frosted flakes today, but I am having a relatively good day, so chill out dude." I scoffed unhappily.                 

He just sneered at me and stared at the tree canopy. I laid his head back down in my folded lap and he tensed at first but after reassuring him I needed to fix his face, he agreed. "Fine. Just hurt up." I smiled a bit and slowly wrapped the bandage around the gash in his left arm, exaggerating the time i needed. He sighed and leaned his head father back in my lap. I applied the neosporin and handed him a share of ambrosia, which he rudely and quickly snatched away, nibbling on the edges like a rabbit. I chuckled quietly and finished the last thing. I didn't tell the boy I was done though, because I might have wanted to keep him close for a little longer... Heh? I pet his hair softly, stroking the ebony strands messily and comfortingly.

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