Chapter 19

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Willow's POV
                Before anybody told him something that'd affect him too much, scrape wounds and open them back up with a spoon, he hit himself on the left arm with a ferocity shocked the older into almost leaping into one of the bushes along the path to the Aphrodite cabin.
          "Hey, what're you doing? I swear, don't do that again. If this is about to develop into some recurring habit, I'm cutting off right now. At the root."
           He shifted his body away from her stoic but startled form as they walked, concentrating on placing the heel of his shoes before the front. Whatever that was called. "Sorry! Just waking myself up," he mumbled, speaking up halfway through his sentences. He'd been told to be louder in the way he let his words leave his mouth. The scenery around them steadily progressed, one cabin following after another and decor smoothly contrasting each one. 
             "Okay. Whatever you say- and here we are!!" Piper quickly interrupted herself with a shake of her braided mane of sepia and gestures toward the cabin door with a grand sweeping gesture of her arm, clothed until her elbow. A strangely long t shirt sleeve, dark orange and not that old, but faded. He took a second to take in the dark blue and white theme, a bit surprised at the lack of fuchsia he'd expected. Two pillars supporting opposite sides of the roof, and between two on the left and two on the right, pink doors stood.
             The only pink he could see so far.
          The doors gleamed in a sort of harrowing way that shook his bones and he nodded, holding onto the back of the other's shirt as she tugged him to it. He watched his shoes shuffle along the blue and white checkerboard deck.
        His head jerked up as her warm tanned hands tilted the door handle, clockwise, he noted, and swung it open, inwards, he noted again, to reveal a barrage of-
         Actually not that much bright or pastel pink. The bedsheets were pastel blue, and the walls were pink with a white trim, but the rest tended to stick to a blue and white. Strange. The boys section must've been separated from the girls, with a curtain as far as he could see. And- perfume suddenly swirled into his nostrils and made him cough.
             "I can taste it Piper- what is this?!" No response, save a radiant smile that just made fun of his sensitive nose and whispered laughter. He whined, boxing his mouth and grimacing. He saw a swirl of colors swish in the corner of his eyes, and a few shapes solifidied, clearing up.
       "Hello? Piper, who's this... you know what, I won't say it. Who is she?"
        The girl who said that had every right to believe he was a girl, but that didn't make it stung any less. She had red tresses, pulled up into a smooth and flawless ponytail, rainbow eyes, freckles flickered across her cheeks and even a few planted on her ears. She was some ginger Ariana Grande. The other two shifted behind her and moved forward. Two boys, one with dark slick hair that looked easy to flip if he wanted to be a rock star and soft looking penny colored skin.
             The other took a glance with his broad tanned shoulders and long, almond shaped eyes and shook his ruffled hair, turning away and pushing through the curtain dividing the girls' and boys' areas.
       Piper quickly pulled flippy hair boy and the ginger Ariana Grande to the side, he assumed to explain the situation. They all wore orange camp shirts styled in different ways, a hand cut crop top on the ginger and tied on the dude. Piper's hands rested on their shoulders, one on each, and she heard different voices exchanged in whispers, exhale into the perfumed air.

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